!!Why do dumbass people leave their kids in their cars!!


New member
My husband ( now Ex) told me one day he had seen something at a **** shop. This **** shop is in a really nasty little town between where I live and where I worked at the time.

I told him I really didn't want him taking my daughter (she is my daughter from a previous relationship) in a place like that. When the police are looking for a suspect, they go to Sanford, its just that simple. When someone gets shot over a set of rims, you know its in Sanford.

Thats when the *** hole told me that I didn't need to worry he had left my 4 year old in the car in her car seat, with the door locked. Keeping in mind of course that she was too young to get herself out of the carseat and escape the car.

I blew a head gasket. I'm sure my head spun around at least once and I know I channeled Satan there for a couple of minutes.

I told him that if the police had seen something like that he would have been arrested my car impounded and most importantly my child put into care until they could reach me and I might have been in trouble for leaving her with him. I told him that if this ever happened again he was out of a place to live and if the police called me, my daughter and my car would be sprung from custody but he would have to stay behind and enjoy being a guest of the state.

****** *** hole.

I have often asked myself don't they watch the news??? Every summer someone kills their child this way. I just don't understand. My daughter is foremost on my mind all the time. I have NEVER forgotten about her. Even when she is at school or with someone who is reponsible she is on my mind. If you can't be a little more aware than this then you should not breed. Do you think these same people have a problem remembering to bring the groceries in?? Have they also left their family pet in the car only to come back later and find the family dog dead???

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