Why Do Girls Sometimes Act Weird?

So this is the conclusion we come to...it's still a mistery why girls act that way....anyways i'd like to say that the replies of heart LP were more understandable and were quite relevant to the question..i'd like to thank rest of them as well for thinkin hard on this topic...i think my friend has got over it but he still gets sad when he sees that girl..i guess he'll forget her with the passage of time
mike vincent said:

ohh so u mean that the girl keeps it in her mind from the beggining itself that if we get into a relationship we'll end up havin an ugly break up? the only way to get into a safe relationship where u can be assured that the guy u've made ur boyfriend is the right guy is to have a relationship with someone u know pretty well and u know what the guy wants from the relationship...a relationship always works out fine that way......but if the girl doesn't wanna have anything with any of her friends she'll probably end up havin someone who's not serious about her or isn't much aware of what she expects out of a relationship...hope u understand all this **** that i wrote...
lol it was'nt **** but what I mean is that when it comes to dating a freind, it's always a lill harder for the girl to just accept it. Kinda hard to exlpain but atleast for some girls, like me, freinds are more important then just some guy.
We're never gonna figure love out properly.
If we did, love would get stale, and rare, and not fun at all.
I'm not saying it's all happy time, of course, but there's often lots of fun to it, and that fun would be sucked out of the game we like to call love.
I as a love-seeking male, have honestly no idea what I'm gonna do when love knocks on my door for real. Should I ask for advice? Should I seek help? Probably, but I don't stress myself about things, just not my style. I just play along.
My advice is, don't push it, let things move along, float, regardless of what your situation is. If you push things, they'll end up forced, or there won't be any "things" at all.

That was my two cents, if you will.
yea its kinda of annoying,

and you think girls are weird!?, you guys are ****ing weird too, i've had this guy tease me since year 8 and ive never ****ing done ANYTHING to him, hes(allow with his mate) even ****ing throw sandwich at me when i got the bus, come on a dam sandwich who does that??
LPGirl said:
yea its kinda of annoying,

and you think girls are weird!?, you guys are ****ing weird too, i've had this guy tease me since year 8 and ive never ****ing done ANYTHING to him, hes(allow with his mate) even ****ing throw sandwich at me when i got the bus, come on a dam sandwich who does that??

lol..yeah i do agree...guys also get weird sometimes..in fact, both boys n girls are weird!! but i dont think boys would ever act this way u know? i mean guys would never do what this post is all about..but there can only be two reasons for those guys doin that..either it's because they like it when u make that angry face...just dont let them know that it's affecting u in any way...n i'm sure after sometime they'll stop doin that....n the other thing possible reason is that they like you n wanna spen time with u someway or the other...i know the latter part sounds a bit made up but the first reason must be it!!lol
mike vincent said:
lol..yeah i do agree...guys also get weird sometimes..in fact, both boys n girls are weird!! but i dont think boys would ever act this way u know? i mean guys would never do what this post is all about..but there can only be two reasons for those guys doin that..either it's because they like it when u make that angry face...just dont let them know that it's affecting u in any way...n i'm sure after sometime they'll stop doin that....n the other thing possible reason is that they like you n wanna spen time with u someway or the other...i know the latter part sounds a bit made up but the first reason must be it!!lol
um.. no the last bit aint made up he has throw samwiches at me, 4 times in the last 1 and almost 2 years.. i really dout he likes me, might be the face thing cuz i make funny ass faces when im pissed well thats what my friends say
LPGirl said:
um.. no the last bit aint made up he has throw samwiches at me, 4 times in the last 1 and almost 2 years.. i really dout he likes me, might be the face thing cuz i make funny ass faces when im pissed well thats what my friends say
yeah well that's probably why he's been doin that...try out that remedy i told u..i'm pretty sure it'll work.