Why Do People Worship Idols?

'Blacks are geneticaly predispositioned to develope sickle cell anemia. They have added muscle tissue and extra long tendons as a result of evolution from all the running they had to do in the open plains of Africa. Cultures that have lived in high altitudes are short with a barreled chest to accomadate larger lungs to draw more oxygen from the thin air.'

Yeah,Johny you must hate us black people.Now we don't seem to have the right to draw enough air into our lungs.
I guess there are many Olivers on this thread,I thought he was a one off!

How did you draw the conclusion that I hate black people? I think you misunderstood me. I have two black friends I hang with almost everyday. I break bread with black folks and their families all the time.
Jhony5 said:
How did you draw the conclusion that I hate black people? I think you misunderstood me. I have two black friends I hang with almost everyday. I break bread with black folks and their families all the time.

I don't know,I guess at times you could be a nice person,but when you post things like this:
'What the **** kind of tree hugging nonsense is this. First of all albinos creep me out and they sould all be gathered up like lepers and sent to a remote island. '
I guess it didn't play well with me.
Well blacks may get sickle cell but the disease is not without purpose. If a person has cickle cell they cannot get malaria. in areas of teh world where malaria is prevelant, those with sickle cell do not suffer the same symptoms as those outseide of teh area.

Just a little trivia there
I don't know,I guess at times you could be a nice person,but when you post things like this: I guess it didn't play well with me.

Would you still like me if I made a blanket apology to the horrorfying albino people. I really do not have a problem with the sickingly terrorfying albinos of the world. I actualy really like these pigment challenged freaky abominations to nature, really I do. If I owned an albino I would feed it almost everyday.
Jhony5 said:
Would you still like me if I made a blanket apology to the horrorfying albino people. I really do not have a problem with the sickingly terrorfying albinos of the world. I actualy really like these pigment challenged freaky abominations to nature, really I do. If I owned an albino I would feed it almost everyday.

Albinos are hard to care for and they **** on everything. I usually leave some old Newsweek magazines lying on the floor hoping it'll do it's business upon them. Also, they are hard to feed. Very finnicky eaters, albinos are. Mine, who I call "Casper", only eats the blue diamonds in Lucky Charms.
What's the deal with albinos? They aren't that creepy, just real pale, with usually strawberry blond hair and occasionally yellow eyes. Man there are some weird fears around here!!

You akk are like Billy Bob and his fear of antiques LOL
Jhony5 said:
Would you still like me if I made a blanket apology to the horrorfying albino people. I really do not have a problem with the sickingly terrorfying albinos of the world. I actualy really like these pigment challenged freaky abominations to nature, really I do. If I owned an albino I would feed it almost everyday.

They are human beings,and they didn't choose to be born that way.
Have some f respect!
They are human beings,and they didn't choose to be born that way.
Have some f respect!

Don't get all bent. Its o.k. Albinos don't have feelings. Its a medical fact.
They're diet consists of mainly newborn infants and they are egg layers.
OK come on now, albinos are not a made up thing, people really are born with the affliction and it really sucks. It is not nice to make fun of people like that or it will bite you in the arse some day
tizz said:
OK come on now, albinos are not a made up thing, people really are born with the affliction and it really sucks. It is not nice to make fun of people like that or it will bite you in the arse some day

I don't give a **** about what you bitches think of me and my obvious cruel distain for genetic mishaps. I find it incredibly funny because its not me. To be honest, I couldn't care less if every albino on earth burst into flames. Now enough already about these pale circus sideshow attractions. :mad:
Jhony5 said:
I don't give a **** about what you bitches think of me and my obvious cruel distain for genetic mishaps. I find it incredibly funny because its not me. To be honest, I couldn't care less if every albino on earth burst into flames. Now enough already about these pale circus sideshow attractions. :mad:

So fu shallow! :eek:
I love albinos.They are the sweetest,most caring people.I knew a couple of them a while back.
So fu shallow! :eek:
I love albinos.They are the sweetest,most caring people.I knew a couple of them a while back.

I have never, ever even seen an albino except on T.V. I am just ****ing with you. For real, why would anyone hate albinos. They're a little odd but I don't see any reason to have them persecuted.Just pulling you PC chain.
So fu shallow! :eek:
I love albinos.They are the sweetest,most caring people.I knew a couple of them a while back.

Not to stir up **** but, do you people realize that you are judging albinos based on thier appearance... don't you think that is a little shallow? Let's face it... we haven't met ALL the albinos.... They could mostly be assholes... who knows....

just a thought
fullauto said:
Not to stir up **** but, do you people realize that you are judging albinos based on thier appearance... don't you think that is a little shallow? Let's face it... we haven't met ALL the albinos.... They could mostly be assholes... who knows....

just a thought

Ya I realize that. Don't give a **** niether. Just enjoying the great American pastime of having fun at others exspence.
Jhony5 said:
Ya I realize that. Don't give a **** niether. Just enjoying the great American pastime of having fun at others exspence.

good point... I've only known 1 albino.... she was a total dick! but I find it hard to believe that they are all that way... but it could be... who am I to know? ;)
fullauto said:
good point... I've only known 1 albino.... she was a total dick! but I find it hard to believe that they are all that way... but it could be... who am I to know? ;)

I would probably be a tad grumpy if I was so pale I glowed in the freakin' dark.
any idol is fine, as long as it makes them a good person.

All the idols that makes people angry and make them want to blow up things, like iraq, like us, it should be banned.