why i am willing to fight...

Msixty said:
I was recently asked by my folks why at 17 i am so determined to go to war. This came from me turning down a $20 an hour pipe welding assistant job because it would require me giving up any military future....

So, why would i turn down $20 an hour AND a future with my dad's oil company on north slope Alaska ($100,000 a year starting wages)?

Simple, i can't live with myself if i don't do something i know I'm good at to help others, corny i know, but i saw a video taped by a UAV of unarmed civilian truckers in Iraq being dragged from the cab and shot to death or lit on fire in the cab, the bodies were looted by civilians and kicked and hit with rocks.... And i can't not do something about that.

My mom told me i am a little **** to want to abandon the family for something like that, and a long "**** you bitch" conversation followed.....

So, for anyone who ever wondered why i or other people are willing to give up a fairly comfortable future for mud, dirt, cold, and most likely death, that's why, i cant live with knowing i made the decision to not help.
Just as long as you know, you probably won't get the chance to punch Hitler in his nose. Glad to have you on board.

but i know why


your like me

you are bored
i have a fiance who i love, ive known her since 6th grade, im in colledge and i love music so im on route to becoming a music teacher

i have friends and hobbys and im always busy

but im not happy, nothing happens to me, i remember the wild days and they weret to long ago im not very old
but i miss them

and i want adventure, i want the book of my life to be interesting

and so do you

but keep in mind, humans love drama, dont let drama get in the way of happyness because lets face it

you have no idea what makes you happy, no one does

good luck with your decision
morgansaysthis said:

but i know why


your like me

you are bored
i have a fiance who i love, ive known her since 6th grade, im in colledge and i love music so im on route to becoming a music teacher

i have friends and hobbys and im always busy

but im not happy, nothing happens to me, i remember the wild days and they weret to long ago im not very old
but i miss them

and i want adventure, i want the book of my life to be interesting

and so do you

but keep in mind, humans love drama, dont let drama get in the way of happyness because lets face it

you have no idea what makes you happy, no one does

good luck with your decision
Hmmn,music teacher you say.
Thankfully it's not grammer.
morgansaysthis said:
i wasent aware this was an english test

jack ass

ill be sure to try and please your needs from now on

Well it is mutha****er, now step up..

And jack ass is spelled Jackass.. For future reference..
KathyA said:
Well it is mutha****er, now step up..

And jack ass is spelled Jackass.. For future reference..

I can no longer accuse Kathy of being a fence-sitting peace maker!
Phantom said:
I can no longer accuse Kathy of being a fence-sitting peace maker!

Ahhh I will always be the fence-riding peace maker..

I just can't stand idiots. And this jackass, is apparently one of them..
I find it both disgusting, and disturbing that Americans are basically unwilling to fight... Not even in Iraq or any other country for that matter, But HERE... In the good ole USofA!

It disturbs me that people are happier to live and die in the matrix, rather than wake up and have to fight for reality...


Knock Knock

Follow the white rabbit...
fullauto said:
I find it both disgusting, and disturbing that Americans are basically unwilling to fight...

But are they unwilling? Or scared shitless by the legal ramifications? I've never seen a country so ****ing tied up with litigation. Every second serial tv program is tied up with ****ing court proceedings. Don't you realise who makes all the ****ing money off court cases? One guess, and it ain't you.

fullauto said:
Not even in Iraq or any other country for that matter,

**** Iraq. It's a mess, and it'll be a blot on history. Forget it.

fullauto said:
But HERE... In the good ole USofA!

Yeah, kick some butt. Don't ****ing stand around while some drug-****ed hoods attack someone. Jump on those ****ers and pound them into the pavement. Then tear their ****ing jackets off and use a stick to shove their "colours" up their sphincters. Let them know they ain't welcome where you like to hang out.

fullauto said:
It disturbs me that people are happier to live and die in the matrix, rather than wake up and have to fight for reality...

It disturbs me even more when people walk away from violence. I got my head kicked several times for wading into a gangsta fight. I saved a kid from a complete flogging, and got several permanent dents to my head. Whoopee.

fullauto said:

Watch out for everyone else too.

fullauto said:
Knock Knock

Who's there?

fullauto said:
Follow the white rabbit...

That's dumb. :rolleyes:
GF Admin said:
You know what disturbs me?... ya... you know... People with opinions based on 100% observation and 0% participation. Less then 1% of the US population ever serves in the military and of the 1% less then 1/2 actually serve in a combat arms MOS


Every civilian **** bite has an opinion about what should be done, how it should be done and snappy little comments about how & what they would be doing if they were in it.

M60 should join the military, doing that alone sets him apart and above the 99% that sit around and talk ****. He doesn't have to join for the USA, patriotism or anything at all other then the belief that he can make a differance..In fact thats the best reason, thats the best mind set. Fight right here at home in the USofA what a crock of ****.... who's he going to fight? What? He is going to fight for more free everything? legalizing drugs? or maybe he can fight to save social security... All worthless causes for the worthless masses I say. Go test yourself M60, and if you survive you will be among the few who understand life a Little bit better, the few who appreciate simple things like the roads we drive on and the food in the stores...


Well you got a good point about M60. He should be admired greatly for his resolve.
But every Tom, Dick and Harriet has the right to their opinion on how to secure our freedom. That
I'm willing to fight because...

I don't wanna lead a boring life.
I don't live for myself.
I don't live for money.
Dying in a war against the enemies of Islam is one of my dreams.
I'm willing to die for my god and my religion.
I'm willing to fight because those ****ers knocked me up then changed their phone number, the whole lot of them.
1337 said:
I'm willing to fight because...

I don't wanna lead a boring life.
I don't live for myself.
I don't live for money.
Dying in a war against the enemies of Islam is one of my dreams.
I'm willing to die for my god and my religion.
NazzNegg2 said:
sure everyone has an opinion, but then again, everyone has an asshole as well. Point being if your not on the field playing in the game go ahead and sit on the couch yelling at the TV screen, but don
1337 said:
Dying in a war against the enemies of Islam is one of my dreams.
I'm willing to die for my god and my religion.

and just what is an enemy of islam?

$20 says he's a white political officalls kid with a computer and a cap on sideways.
1337 said:
I'm willing to fight because...

I don't wanna lead a boring life.
I don't live for myself.
I don't live for money.
Dying in a war against the enemies of Islam is one of my dreams.
I'm willing to die for my god and my religion.

Enemies of islam...thats everyone that doesn't support islam then? I put a question mark since from snippets of islam holy book online it seems to give that impression...

Try to enjoy your life you idiot...The **** is going after all this going to do for you besides getting your dumb young ass killed. You're not going to help every person you come across with in the war...Your going to get baited and ****ed in the ass by some crazy terrorist. Take the ****ing job and weld some ****ing tubes you dick.
vizcaya19 said:
Try to enjoy your life you idiot...The **** is going after all this going to do for you besides getting your dumb young ass killed. You're not going to help every person you come across with in the war...Your going to get baited and ****ed in the ass by some crazy terrorist. Take the ****ing job and weld some ****ing tubes you dick.
It's all about the AAFES Pogs, duh! http://www.aafespogs.com