There's also another catagory. The bandwagon jumper. They see a new fad, or the new big thing that the tv or the internet tells them is the "in" thing, and they blindly jump on.
I personally know several people who have this type of personality. They fall for "fads" all the time and I know they don't educated themselves on the issues and only vote for the new "fad".
They voted for Perot because he was the talk of the media, for McCain in 2000 because he was the media darling that year, Bush in 2004 because he had better press than Kerry, and then voted for Obama this past election.
****, I know of people who were talking of supporting Ron Paul this last year when the media was going wild about the grass roots, internet based surge in support he was getting and then as the media turned to Obama they voted for him.
That in itself tells you the person is clueless on politics and economics because Paul and Obama are as opposite as north and south on both politics (both foreign and domestic policy) and economics.