Will Brad Solo?


New member
With the interesting announcement that LP are changing their style to a mix of rock, punk, hip hop etc,

do you think brad will pull out a power solo in one song?

'old rock' to me suggests songs that have solos in them them, or do u think that'd be changing LP's style TOO much?

i wonder...



New member
Most rock now dont have power solos they may have a complicated guitar riff or bridge etc but not a power solo. Personally I see it as being unlikely.

LP Expert Soldier

New member
Yeah it's unlikely, but if it were to be true, for sure i'll really **** my pants if I hear Brad's shredding some powerful solos in their next songs lmao.


Active Members
A nice solo would be cool...but it's not really Linkin Parks style...so I don't think there's gonna be something like that...


Active Members
They have said before that they just don't like solos...they think it takes away from the band as a whole to only have one person playing or something like that? Meh. I personally like solos...solos are sweet.

They should have some more solos...



New member
i honestly doubt he will, because i heard in some interview that one of the reason's he doesn't solo much is because he likes keeping his guitar parts simple, to emphasize the lyrics and other aspects of the music.


New member
yerp, alot of valid points

honestly i dont think so, its just not in the style to put in a solo just to kill time. lbut honestly i woodnt have a clue,especially with LPs want to "change" styles and such. we ll jus hafta wait and see im afraid =[

i honestly doubt he will' date=' because i heard in some interview that one of the reason's he doesn't solo much is because [b']he likes keeping his guitar parts simple[/b], to emphasize the lyrics and other aspects of the music.
That is one reason alot of people are put off by LP. Or use it as an excuse to dislike them, whatever. I think it'd be a good aspect to improve on. I mean, they always talk about "growing musically' and "doing something new", this is one way they could do that. And Brad really should do something challenging, lazy :p . And to say that it helps to emphasise lyrics is a load of bull, imo. Do we see Rob holding back on his drumming? or Hahn with his DJing? No. I find that to emphasise the lyrics, sounds which convey the same sort of feeling as the lyrics (hard to explain) really help to give that emphasis. I don't see why that musical emphasis shouldn't come from the guitaring...



New member
They have said before that they just don't like solos...they think it takes away from the band as a whole to only have one person playing or something like that? Meh. I personally like solos...solos are sweet.They should have some more solos...
I agree. Solos are totally sweet.
Now I don't think he should go about shredding for 32 bars, but something simple like the OSC intro, but with a little more flavor. Something simple, but still solo-y. And it should come right after or before the bridge.

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