Stoopid Democrats. No wonder they don't like literacy tests as a voting requirement.
There is also a reason they don't want voters to have to show a valid ID...
Interesting opinion Hugo of Democrats, studies show that the most wealthy and educated and the lowest classes vote Democrat and the middle class vote Republican. For many that vote Republican, they do so mistakenly believing that the tax breaks favored by the Republicans will help them when in fact they don't have enough money for it too make a difference. Source you ask??? My Policitcal Science text book so far, I'm about to write a paper that will touch on this so I will have to search out more sources.
You're going to have a hard time finding them. Studies actually show that the more education a person has, the more likely they are to be Republican. You are also not taking into account the Labor Union middle class, who are predominately Democrat. Here, this will get you started…
2000 American National Election Study: Source, Government by the People, 2002, pg.126.
Portrait of the electorate:
Less than 10,000_____34__________54_________12
60,000+____________48__________42 _________10
They also have the stats for ***, age, race, religion, and region if anyone is interested.
My sociology teacher for statistics used real studies for us to analyze. Analysis showed a significant difference in the education levels of those who voted Republican as opposed to Democrat or Independent. There was no significant differences between the education levels of those who voted Democrat and those who voted Independent. The education levels of those who voted Republican were significantly higher than the other two.
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