So you're saying that when someone protests, take them down? Or bouy them up? I'm not sure from your words.
It depends on the protester's subject. Some are meant to be heard, some are meant to hang from a gibbet.
A republic or a democracy? Make your ******* mind up.
We can argue semantics all you want, but my mind is ******* made up.
Nope. Should I? And is there relevance?
Noriega was removed from power by force when relations got a little heated. I see parallels between Afganistan and Panama and parallels between bin Laden and Noriega. Though, at the time, Noriega was about as much a threat as a fat kid on salad.
You step on our feet once, we smack that jaw.
It's a ******* goldmine. No digging required.
In this country or the next, drug trafficking is not as profitable as fighting it.
The exchange of oil is where the money is at. Keep it in petro dollars.
Where ever the **** a business venture takes you, grab it by the antlers and hump it dry.
As would we all. It's a ******* when it comes back home.
Unfortunately, I can't see the forest for the trees. I don't see any clear signs of victory in Iraq. Though, cut and run would only add boards to the self-righteous left wingers platform.
I understand. I respect that you've been over there.
It would not have been respectable if I hadn't served with a great company of descent ******* human beings.
Nice cheap shots. I can hand them on to the teen work experience dude.
I am not the fine man you take me for.
If only. Then we'd have ourselves a popular religious movement.
Dibs on the vestments.