Will you be voting?

RoyalOrleans said:
I voted so that this man...

. Sonny Perdue

will help Georgia be the envy of this nation for four more years.

He's a pig-faced little *******, but the guy running against him...

. Mark Taylor

would eat up all our groceries.

I hate the neo-con *******, but the Libertarian candidate seems a little crazed.

Thank you so much RO. I agree here, that Sonny is the best choice of the three... mark taylor is a dunce.
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RegisteredAndEducated said:
He winned! haha. Really, he beat up on Mark "Fat ass" Taylor pretty good! It's under the state of GA.

He "winned" huh? LOL

Good ol' Boy.
builder said:
He "winned" huh? LOL

Good ol' Boy.

You could tell that I did that on purpose... right? haha. That's why I added the serious part behind it. Haha, plus, if my grammar is wrong, I can just blame it on the liberal run government when i was in school!
RegisteredAndEducated said:
You could tell that I did that on purpose... right? haha. That's why I added the serious part behind it. Haha, plus, if my grammar is wrong, I can just blame it on the liberal run government when i was in school!

Yeah, I'm baiting.

Bored shitless, really.
builder said:
Thank you America.

No! Thank you, Australia! Without you, Americans all across the Internet would never have known their place.

You seem so ****ing content to sit there and point out the problems with America. Why don't you worry about Australia and let Americans worry about America? Know your role and shut your mouth, builder. We... the People... didn't ask you a goddamned thing.
RoyalOrleans said:
No! Thank you, Australia! Without you, Americans all across the Internet would never have known their place.

You seem so ****ing content to sit there and point out the problems with America. Why don't you worry about Australia and let Americans worry about America? Know your role and shut your mouth, builder. We... the People... didn't ask you a goddamned thing.

We, the people of Australia, didn't ask to be dragged into a sham war.

When your politics, don't impinge on our politics, I'll stay the **** out of yours.

So **** you too. Thank you America. :cool:
builder said:
We, the people of Australia, didn't ask to be dragged into a sham war.

When your politics, don't impinge on our politics, I'll stay the **** out of yours.

So **** you too. Thank you America. :cool:

Don't you think the bulk of America didn't want to be dragged into a war either?

It wasn't our decision, but was made by the Republican majority rule. At the time, it seemed like a good idea fighting the terrorists on their own soil. I still think we should be on the offensive, but Iraq is a lost cause.

The people don't want a democracy. In fact, they do not deserve to live in freedom and liberty. They are slaves, enthralled and bound by that ****ing pig-**** religion of theirs. Oppression makes an impression.
RoyalOrleans said:
Don't you think the bulk of America didn't want to be dragged into a war either?

It wasn't our decision, but was made by the Republican majority rule.

Australians as a majority were against the invasion. So were the Brits. So much for a ****ing democracy, huh?

RoyalOrleans said:
At the time, it seemed like a good idea fighting the terrorists on their own soil.

You got the wrong country, the wrong motive, and the wrong agenda. Afghanistan was about control of the opium trade. Your own govt is clueless about CIA drug ops. Perhaps they should give them more funding, rather than letting them loose on the international market?

Iraq, as you know, was defeated three years ago. The occupancy is going swimmingly.

RoyalOrleans said:
I still think we should be on the offensive, but Iraq is a lost cause.

Your forces are offensive by default. PR skills are for the Brits and Aussies.

RoyalOrleans said:
The people don't want a democracy. In fact, they do not deserve to live in freedom and liberty.

Says who? The Brits drew their boundaries post WW2. Socio-political control was put into Saddam's hands, courtesy of the CIA. Read some history.

RoyalOrleans said:
They are slaves, enthralled and bound by that ****ing pig-**** religion of theirs.

They are social renegades, granted. How would you react to being a prisoner in your own country?

RoyalOrleans said:
Oppression makes an impression.

Military oppression, in comparison, is a liberating experience then?
builder said:
Australians as a majority were against the invasion. So were the Brits. So much for a ****ing democracy, huh?

If you aske me, that is the very ****ing core of democracy.

With much of the country leaning right and representatives are leaning the same way, then the republic's voice is heard.

builder said:
You got the wrong country, the wrong motive, and the wrong agenda. Afghanistan was about control of the opium trade. Your own govt is clueless about CIA drug ops. Perhaps they should give them more funding, rather than letting them loose on the international market?

Despite their bewilderment, there is a trend. Remember Panama?

The War on Drugs is big business.

builder said:
Iraq, as you know, was defeated three years ago. The occupancy is going swimmingly.

Oil is big business.

builder said:
Your forces are offensive by default. PR skills are for the Brits and Aussies.

Not that I am a supporter, but I'd rather take the fight to foreign soil.

builder said:
Says who? The Brits drew their boundaries post WW2. Socio-political control was put into Saddam's hands, courtesy of the CIA. Read some history.

History books, microfiche, old articles, etc show nothing to the casual reader. Go over there, builder, you will see what I mean.

builder said:
They are social renegades, granted. How would you react to being a prisoner in your own country?

You tell me. Your rock was set up as a penal colony.

builder said:
Military oppression, in comparison, is a liberating experience then?

Water into wine.
Australians as a majority were against the invasion. So were the Brits. So much for a ****ing democracy, huh?

What invasion? Oh you mean taking out Saddam after the unanimous vote by the U.N. Right Invasion.:rolleyes:
RoyalOrleans said:
If you aske me, that is the very ****ing core of democracy.

So you're saying that when someone protests, take them down? Or bouy them up? I'm not sure from your words.

RoyalOrleans said:
With much of the country leaning right and representatives are leaning the same way, then the republic's voice is heard.

A republic or a democracy? Make your ****ing mind up.

RoyalOrleans said:
Despite their bewilderment, there is a trend. Remember Panama?

Nope. Should I? And is there relevance?

RoyalOrleans said:
The War on Drugs is big business.

It's a ****ing goldmine. No digging required.

RoyalOrleans said:
Oil is big business.

The exchange of oil is where the money is at. Keep it in petro dollars.

RoyalOrleans said:
Not that I am a supporter, but I'd rather take the fight to foreign soil.

As would we all. It's a ******* when it comes back home.

RoyalOrleans said:
History books, microfiche, old articles, etc show nothing to the casual reader. Go over there, builder, you will see what I mean.

I understand. I respect that you've been over there.

RoyalOrleans said:
You tell me. Your rock was set up as a penal colony.

Nice cheap shots. I can hand them on to the teen work experience dude.

RoyalOrleans said:
Water into wine.

If only. Then we'd have ourselves a popular religious movement.
builder said:
So you're saying that when someone protests, take them down? Or bouy them up? I'm not sure from your words.

It depends on the protester's subject. Some are meant to be heard, some are meant to hang from a gibbet.

builder said:
A republic or a democracy? Make your ****ing mind up.

We can argue semantics all you want, but my mind is ****ing made up.

builder said:
Nope. Should I? And is there relevance?

Noriega was removed from power by force when relations got a little heated. I see parallels between Afganistan and Panama and parallels between bin Laden and Noriega. Though, at the time, Noriega was about as much a threat as a fat kid on salad.

You step on our feet once, we smack that jaw.

builder said:
It's a ****ing goldmine. No digging required.

In this country or the next, drug trafficking is not as profitable as fighting it.

builder said:
The exchange of oil is where the money is at. Keep it in petro dollars.

Where ever the **** a business venture takes you, grab it by the antlers and hump it dry.

builder said:
As would we all. It's a ******* when it comes back home.

Unfortunately, I can't see the forest for the trees. I don't see any clear signs of victory in Iraq. Though, cut and run would only add boards to the self-righteous left wingers platform.

builder said:
I understand. I respect that you've been over there.

It would not have been respectable if I hadn't served with a great company of descent ****ing human beings.

builder said:
Nice cheap shots. I can hand them on to the teen work experience dude.

I am not the fine man you take me for.

builder said:
If only. Then we'd have ourselves a popular religious movement.

Dibs on the vestments.