Woah, I'm an adult?


Loud and Proud
Mar 13, 2004
Man, this came way too fast.I Guess I'm turning eighteen tomorrow lol. So, how many other people on here have had thier eighteenth birthday. And if you have, any memories from the big day worth sharing?
uhh, it really wasn't that big of a deal when i turned 18.. or 19... or 20... but 21 is the age to be haha

it really all feels the same though, no matter how old you get you still feel like a kid.

OHHH now i remember something.. ok so i bought $35 worth of lottery tickets.. and i won ummmm.. let me total it up real quick.. carry the 4... oh yeah... none.

it's kinda cool to vote though, knowing that you are "important". haha

but happy 18th nonetheless
Happy 18, but trust me you are far from being an adult, I am turing 22 in a few weeks, and I don't consider myself an adult.
Have a great 18th birthday. In my 18th birthday my whole family and I just went out to eat, didn't feel much different. I didn't really hit me that I was considered an adult, in fact, I don't think it has hit me yet. :\
Hooray for being immature.
the forums little clogs is becoming a man *tear* nar jks, bet you cant wait till your 21 *wink*
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I had to wait until it was actually the 18th for me to say it. ^^
Wait, Clogz turning 18 on the 18th.... Meah.
Mines in November.
im 17...lol....and im not really looking forward to my 18th birthday....LMAO....still feel like im 16 though..but when i do turn 18...im getting a car!! or maybe a truck...
Well of course nothing has changed...but I do feel older somehow. Just different. Whatever lol...I'm so happy I'm 18 now, and I don't even know why really lol