The Reason why you don't get me started on philosophical debates
(I'm in bold btw and was on msn to a friend)
Its a good book to debate about, like what huxley wrote, is it like today's society? Are we born to do a certain role in society? Along with the number of historical allusions and connotations in not only the name itself (its out of the tempest by shakespeare) but the character names as well. What do we consider right and wrong these days i.e. the savage world vs the brave new world? and what he wrote, could that ever become physically possible seeing the brave new world came about after a nucleur bomb attack on london?
Yes, to your theory of being born to to do a certain role in society, but that depends on if you intend to be a sheep and follow the 'Norm' or be an individual and follow your senses to be either adventurous, riscay, or a leader of new ideas. My you are reading some historical literature of which is very rewarding for the mind, so keep it up,but use it to your advantage in a career.
There's no individuality in this brave new world, it is condemned and punishable. Have we, as a society lost our individuality? Does the government control our intelligence by removing or adding oxygen to us as embryos like in BNW?
Not so, one can be as individual as one wants to be , but yes society is cruel in that they suggest we be this or that, to **** with them I say, follow only to an extent of gaining your advantage, then break out to follow your dreams, if you fail the first time then you have learnt by that and try not to fail again, got it, I still follow my dreams and it may become what I desire in time. Governments allways try to suppress and control our minds,look at advertising, it happens every day, but we do not have to follow.
We have lost our individuality because of global company and government suppression. I got fined the other day for not voting,...that's a democracy where they force you to vote. Wait, rewind, that's not a democracy, that's a dictatorship because you're forced to do something that we in the first place don't want to do.
It is confussing, yes but we are still better than say,Uganda, Cuba and other regimes of dictatorship, are we not ?
Now, if the government controls us with advertising and other means, what's stopping them controlling us using drugs to control, almost brainwash us? It's called a democratic dictatorship. There are three people in the world you don't trust - used car salesman, lawyers and politicians, all of them somehow connect.
Who' has the control at pubs when people get ****** with their liquid contents, it is pushed on us, but we weaken, because the contents of their containers taste so ****** good, I am just rambling on now after some nice glasses of Merlot, so I feel good. Too right, I will go along with that. You writing a novel?
Now if the government turned around and said to you can't work your job because you weren't born to work your job but instead, you were supposed to be a garbageman, and you were born into the class of humans, say beta, the second most intelligent classification (as alpha is the smartest). If you denied your role as a garbageman, you were exiled out of your "New World" and into a filthy place that was considered too ill and hated for you to be friends with the friends you have now. Would you class that as government suppression or trying to maintain social stability in order for a world to work together?
Hey Sarah, you should remember, India, where in parts there are the footpath people, they are born on the footpath, live on the footpath, trade and eventually die on the footpath.
Yes I do. Because people were born to fulfil a certain obligation, even if it meant filling up the footpath with a dead corpse of a relative
We are not as bad as that, but there are at times social paths that society try to enforce, but is our individuality that helps us to make choices to rise above to achieve what we want.
Does the government have any right to exile people based on their actions/belief? This is what Huxley predicted would happen, and fair enough, it's happened.
Some of our worlds most successful people have not been educated highly, so not being moulded into what society suggests.You are correct to a certain extent.
One good example I have of such actions, was taking place at the time of publishing this book. 1932. Good at history are you Barry?
I wasn't around then, but I have read a number of books relating to the people who have gone outside the square to achieve, going against the grain of normality as they follow their dreams and turn it into reality, then they are rewarded for their actions, and we rememebr in history all who achieve beyond the circles of regular understanding, but do we remember those who tried but failed miserably
1932 - The Holocaust
Yes, I have met with people who, had the number tattoo on their arms, so it did exist, to the detriment of those who would like to have the memory quashed forever.
Perfect example of a regime, exiling and exterminating (I highlight that word if i could) the Jewish race, imperfect germans and homosexuals from the Reich. This is what Huxley warned us about. He had lived through the first world war and he saw what men could do to each other. He warned us about government control. Over our bodies, our minds and our indivduality by presenting us this novel of his (I highly recommend it btw) Brave New World warns of the dangers of giving the state control over new and powerful technologies. One illustration of this theme is the rigid control of reproduction through technological and medical intervention, including the surgical removal of ovaries, the Bokanovsky Process, and hypnopaedic conditioning. Not only has government taken control of our lives, in past and present, technology is as well. And what are we doing to stop this overtaking our lives completely? But don't get me wrong, BNW was not only a warning but it was a black satire about what was happening around him, and which still exists today. Yes, we are born capable of doing horrible things to each other, humans are evil, we are evil, but why are letting technology drive us around like donkey carts? Why do we let the government get away with such mess and **** as we let them?
You are broadening you literary horizons and gaining knowledge that I hope you will use to your avantage, history has given us lots to learn of good and bad that exist in the world, but we should learn and not make the same mistakes as our forefathers.
Okay, have you seen the '89 film Blade Runner?
We let them for the simple means of having some order in society, if not where would we be, without, yes I saw bladerunner.
Another good example how we let technology overide us. How do we know what's real and what's fake these days?
Good question, we must make the assumption that all is possibly,only in the movies, but real life it is not.But technology is creeping up to give weapons that defy ouir normal thinking of whats possible, who knows where humanity will be is say 50 years from now.
And how real are we humans when we come to emotions, as demonstrated in this movie? The humans were always somehow deformed and ugly in a way, but yet, the creatures who illegally entered earth's space (i forgot what they were called), seemed to show more emotion and beautality then the humans did. Does that tell you how emotionless we can be at times?
Yes that is a true enough statement, but we should not try to emulate anything subhuman to that extent, showing emotion is eunique to the animal world of which we are but a bit part.
But without individuality, which we seemed to have lost in the mix of society, how can we be emotional? Or is individuality just an illusion to con us into thinking we have emotions?
We do have emotions, we are as individual as we want to be, not all are sheep to follow everything thrown at us, we have choices, and can rise above the flock if we strive hard enough.
But what's the driving force behind our emotions? Is there just one or many? Are emotions an allusion to our nacissism? Or was the idea of individualism set down by the a bunch of overpaid ***** sitting on a beach in Hawaii - our government?
Anyway sweatheart, my brain is starting to hurt with all this late night thinking, and need to turn, nice chatting with you, good night.