{Wood'z Journal Act 2}


New member
i just think i deserve the dreams at least if they get your thoughts, why do i feel patronished... wait, why am i getting worked up, this is silly :lol:


New member
I've decided that after 100 pages of this journal I'm going to create a new one, because I want a poll in my journal like my old one did. Ugh. I miss those useless polls.


New member
I'm having a mental block at the moment, I don't know how to turn this scenario around into what I want to happen (the chapter is called Project Conquest..sound familar to something to you Ravy??).


New member
Haha, Disturbed = swear word. Naw. Now if you had said something along the lines of Dave Draiman being one hot ******* I'd like to dip in honey and... other expletive stuff, maybe THAT would be considered some kind of insult. Sarah's pretty resilient when it comes to perverted stuff like that. She has to be, she's got my evil little brain to contend with, aint that right my gurl? ;)


New member
Hi sarah how you been?!?

Haha, Disturbed = swear word. Naw. Now if you had said something along the lines of Dave Draiman being one hot ******* I'd like to dip in honey and... other expletive stuff, maybe THAT would be considered some kind of insult. Sarah's pretty resilient when it comes to perverted stuff like that. She has to be, she's got my evil little brain to contend with, aint that right my gurl? ;)
*** damit :eek:



New member
Imma her little angel Pete.

I'm good how about yourself Pete? I currently have a headache and seriously thinking about getting my eyes checked. I was sitting at the dining table and couldn't see what the tv show was saying (was watching the Einstien Factor on ABC) and currently having troubles even seeing what I am writing! *** dammit.



New member
Hi sarah how you been?!?
*** damit :eek:
Huh? Did I miss something? 0.0

And OMG HI LITTLE BROTHER!! Man we've missed you! *hugs* How've ya been?

Ah yes, the D word. You love it. Say it, say it louder, scream his name **** it, and listen to the song 'want' while you do it... that ought to give you a year's worth of nightmares if I'm correct *lmslao* See Matt, THAT'S a swear word. It is until the next celebrity crush anyway, innit?

Sarah - get your eyes checked. I thought my eyes were fine too and went in for an eye check for moral support for a friend. Imagine my shock when I found out my blurry eyes weren't just caused by sleep deprivation, but by the computer screen. Can almost guarantee that's just what you've got - longsighted like me, things far off are blurry because your eyes have adjusted to seeing things close up and in bright colours *lol*

Sucks I know.

Just get 'em checked for peace of mind. Headaches will go away in time eventually.

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