Worst Video.


New member
OMG im glad im not the only one who cant get the humping out

my cuz and i were watching it and she was screaming as to why he was humping it

i find it hot

she doesnt.



Active Members
Yea...the humping is one of my reasons I give the Bleed It Out video two thumbs waaayyyy waaayyyyy down!

And declare it the worst LP video ever.



New member
Nah! I don't like Bleed It Out all!

It was sick and the shittiest video ever.

But I don't like SOTD too, not much, I prefer not to watch it. It's a pretty boring video.



New member
well this will sound strange then, the video i like least is Shadow of the day...XD

I mean...hey...i like the beggining of the video...-_-; for other reasons not related to the song XD but the actual video itself isn't great...bleed it out os prett lame too XD

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