Wow! a muslim with a good idea!

He sounds like one of those John Shelby Spong mutha****as, y'know, the worst of atheism and religion mixed up. Why the **** do I want to hold onto religion if I don't believe there is something behind it?
SALMAN RUSHDIE,a realist muslim who years ago could see the problems in this antiquaited religion that still lives in the dark ages even today. Read his book,THE SATANIC VERSES,and then give me your oponion.. His greatest fan was CAT STEVENS if that helps you younger people to want to read the book.
berniec said:
SALMAN RUSHDIE,a realist muslim who years ago could see the problems in this antiquaited religion that still lives in the dark ages even today. Read his book,THE SATANIC VERSES,and then give me your oponion.. His greatest fan was CAT STEVENS if that helps you younger people to want to read the book.

I think he wants to be known as Yusef Islam

As for reading THE SATANIC I have'nt...but if that is gists of the book...thats stating the obvious.