WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

Thank you to everyone. I appreciate your wishes of good luck and all of the congratulations I have recieved. To be honest, it is quite overwhelming. I dont think there is anywhere else in the world where this many people whom, for the most part, have never met can still be such a cool group of people to talk with. You are all great people and i feel very lucky to be able to say that I have been able to talk with you people on our favorite forums. I have had a great time ever since I joined these forums and I look forward to it being the same for a long time. Thank you everybody.

I would also like to extend a special thank you to you Clogz. I understand that we havent always seen eye to eye on subjects that have been discussed here within these forums. But as I said a moment ago, I have had a great time here ever since I joined. I know that there will always be things that we dont agree on, but I do hope that this means that maybe we can put our difference in opinions to the side and become friends. I know that you will always think of me as a "damn liberal" and I will always think of you as the guy who got my "Jay-Z bashing" thread locked by the mods, but oh well. There are more important things in this world to worry about than what someone thinks of Jay-Z or what their political stance in the world is. Again, Clogz, thank you, and I hope we are both able to become better people than we were before.
CONGRADULATIONS.. and GOODLUCK.. wow.. i hope your plans and stuff work out.. its cool that your getting married.. lots of luck to both of you.. *goodluck carebear*.. ne who.. i like Brianna Lynn better.. my mom was gonna name me Brianna.. but my grandma didn't like it so i got stuck with the name Krista.. ne who.. CONGRATS!.. i hope everything goes great!..