Xbox 360


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
Liberty City
So I am getting my Xbox 360 tonight. I am wondering, if anyone else here has one? Also is there anything from your experience I should know? Like caring for it? I'd really appreciate it!
I played it at afriends house once, it was the ****, I had like the soccer ball XD that pwned...

So yeah anything I need to know about the 360 about like taking care of it?
Haha I have one, just dont disconnect it alot and take it places, i did that alot withmine and I got that stupid "Red Ring of Death" (Instead of a green ring around the power button its red) Had to get it fixed. But yes they are fun an amazing haha.
Just don't make mistake of buying a wireless adapter from Microsoft . I did that and it was a mistake, it lagged really bad go 3rd party wireless if you can. I am 100% sure it is the adapter because I get no lag on my PS3's built in one.

Wired > Wireless though no matter what...even though I am always wirless :p
CoD is defiantly a must get.
By far the best game on the 360 right now.
As for connection, I don't deal with wireless. I am completely wired. Much better connectivity.
If you must go wireless, a compatible 3rd party is the only way to go. The Microsoft adapter is terrible.
Add me if you want to play some Modern Warfare. My GT is in my sig.
I just got off the 360...oh my god it was like masturbation XD...

I was playing Halo 3 with my lil bro, and we get to the part where the infection start, and then we got pwned and I was like -_- and just took a break for the night, my god that was amazing, can't wait to play Dead Rising! How much is CoD right now?
:confused: I only have 50 to Best Buy and 20 dollars on the parents JUST told me I need to buy Dead Rising on my own, how gay.

Leaving me with...40 dollars...
Dead Rising is fun :D
Call of Duty 4 is definatly a must-have too. Halo 3 is awesome too!

Add my gamertag: Acez0rz and have a game of Halo 3 some time :p
Here let's all post our Gamertags here so we can all meet up at some point or another...

mine is SupaSlaughta, and I can only play Halo 3, sometime this week, I may buy Call of Duty 4...

See y'all then