XrockinfreakX's journal ..such fun..


New member
Hah. My journal is unliked.

Well today=boring. Im sick, I have been sick since Thursday. Me and Eddy have been getting along, and yesterday he got me goldfishies. But one was dropped out of the tank at walmart and they put it back and accidently took the same one. So it was like half dead :( . It died today, made me very sad. I cant even bury it, Eddy and Tom(the one that was there when he baught the fish) are going to though. I put it in a pretty box though. Yea so today was a month since Zak commited suicide :/, I guess everyone was busy going to where he was buried. I actually watched more than 2 hours of tv today, it was so boring. Yea, last night was horrible. Got really sick and got a very amazing person upset at me. Yea so that was for today, except the terrible caughing fits and my eyes hurt sooo much. Its weird. Started reading Angles & Demons by Dan Brown again I love it :) . Well I guess thats enough for today, byeee<3.

I love your journal... I'm just rather apathetic as of late... You know why...

Sorry about your goldfishy... I know how much you were looking forward to that. *hug*



New member
Thanks Josh :) . Yea, kinda made me sad even though I had it for a day(even less). *Hugs back* I hope your doing better today.


New member
So today was a mess, well kinda.

Woke up so tired, I was so worried about Eddy. Lets just say he was super depressed, I think I kinda made it worse. Yea got mad at him for some reason, still kinda upset about him. So I call this morning and his phone is off. I was like whhhat noo. I just tried to forget about it. Ahh got so freakin wet in the courtyard in the morning. It was drizziling then it was like LLKDAJFKLS rain! So Daniel, Laura and I are the only people there without umbrellas just standing there like stupid retards. Yea got pretty wet it was so cold in math. Health was ok, we talked about tabacco and stuff last class. We watched a video, it showed us lungs and stuff >.<. Im never ever going to smoke ciggarets, it was like so creepy! Well yea this sunday I smoked for the first time ever, almost coughed out my insides but it was lkdad. Didnt like it, so I guess thats a good thing. Yea but history was ok, we talked about the holicaust. I got pretty mad cause my friend Hannah keeps calling me jew, its like really annoying. Im probably going to attack her if she does it again tomorrow. Oh well Im kinda getting used to it. Uhh I stole everyones fries at lunch, gosh Im such a pig. English was ok, we are reading a midsummers night dream. Its nice except all the work we have to go with it >.<. I had to stay after school to take a history test I missed, ugh I failed. I know I did, it was so hard. Andy took me to go pick up my friend Becca from her rich school. Hah. She was like OMG SHANI! Yea it was ok I guess, he kept turning up the music and changing radio stations. I was like AH stop. Um called Eddys house. Yea bad idea, his dad picked up and questioned me. He asked me a bunch of questions and stuff, I lied half of the time. So he is in the mental hospital, well its not mental but the place where people that try to commit..... go. At least he isnt at his house. Well I gots to go byee<3.



New member
No one likes my journal, oh well. Today was the best day of the week, Eddy came back at the end of the day. Everything went pretty good, Im going camping this weekend >.<. It feels good not to worry about that. He gave me his braclet thing, I was like thanks? Oh yea I got kicked off lpf island, oh well I expected it. Well I have to go bye<3.

Someone leave something nice:).

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