Yay: another fight

LOL. Yep, we have one of those. We were gonna trick or treat there b/c they would have good candy but they were all jerks. Then Robin told me "They built a neighborhood and stuck all the snobby people there so all of us could avoid them. And you still went to them!!" lol
lol, I hate my neighborhood.

The entire town is filled with rich dumbass people every where. I told my dad not to move near snobby people but he liked the houses around here so we had to come. I had real friends back at my old place, now I only have a handful of true friends.
I have like 2 or 3 real friends, so don't feel bad. Everyone I used to hang out with started hating me for no reason whatsoever. *shrug* Glad I didn't stay with them anyways.
Yeah, the group I used to gang with last year turned out to be bad. Half of them were expelled, one was arrested and ones a pothead. But still, it sucks to be hated for no reason, especially by your best friend. But I got my revenge *evil grin*
These people weren't the bad people. Everyone was cool and all and then they started to change in what eveyrone would call the "preps." I like to be bad........it's fun. But nothing to bad. We have our badass days though. My 2 best friends just had ISS for fighting. We're friends again though......I think.
Well, it was an on-going fight, but she got physical and she was closest. I'm friends with her again but my other friend isn't really. It sucks......she kicked us out of her house on Valentine's Day (we had off). Literally kicked us out of the house.
Yeah. Randomly too. Luckily, we walked to Radioshack (about 1.5 mi.) and called my family friend Lisa to pick us up.......She told my mom though.
Yep. A bunch of songs that sounded like sorry CDs. We didn't really apologized. But we started talking again one day. Eventually I asked her if she was still mad. She said she wasn't. I think she just had one of those snapped moments.......that happen to last a week or so.
I get them. They suck. Sometimes I snap to a depression. Sometimes I snap to a rage. Or sometimes I have a mini-snap and will just yell at people for about 30 minutes.
I don't know. I bottle up a LOT of thoughts. It's really bad because it causes those snaps. I've found friends I can talk to now though. And things I do not tell them, I tell you guys.....So thanx for listenin. :thumbsup: From the info I read on bipolar disorder, my behavior could be lots of things. It was quite confusing. But it does run in the family.
I hope I'll never get thrown out on the streets lol. I have my best friends house to go to.... but she lives next door to me :| And my other friends live too far and .... I'll think it's weird. That's kinda scary actually, who knows what kinda people are out there. I'm terrified to be out on the streets myself incase I get approched by scary weirdos. I already have and it pisses me off >.< My neighbour hood isn't that bad, I dunno. I hate creepy old men.