Yellow Brick Road


Active Member
Jul 19, 2005
"Yellow Brick Road" represents the hardships and journeys a young Chester Bennington had to endure growing as a troubled teenager. His life unaccounted and misinterpreted, leads fans back to an imaginative world of the Yellow Brick Road.

I'm alone and weary, but aware of my surroundings. I feel not only unwanted but also invisible to the outside world. I'm curled up in the corner of the trailer. It is dark and gloomy and I am pondering my past life and worrying about my future. I rock back and forth hoping my feelings fall consistent to the rhythm. I am not depressed, but feel elated as the residents of the trailer park converse in happiness. I believe I am lonely and depend on the happiness of others to uplift my spirit and to carry on. The table near the stove is my salvation from the harsh reality. Everyday I enter a dark trailer. I set the cure in the cupboard and use it when I am responsible for any bad that happens and I redeem myself by punishment. It is my fault I am here, and I choose to stay in the darkness away from those who make me feel insecure.

Chester opens the trailer door slowly as he knows that no one shall await or ponder of his presence. In the spur of the moment, Chester quickly closes the trailer door and runs to the bathroom. He begins to gaze at himself. Accepting himself, he slowly walks to the table and picks up his hooded sweater. Like the table, the sweater is a sanctum of warmth and truth as well as an escape from the real world. He feels good in the sense he appears approachable yet disturbed, serious yet repulsive. It then begins to rain and his manhood shatters as his false hope of enlightenment is unreachable. Fatigued and distraught, he sadly descends into a depressive state and falls onto his small bed to forget all that he lives for.

Chester: Why me God? Why me?
An Unknown Presence (Chapter 2)

Moments later he is awoken by the famishing desire for nourishment for both body and soul.

Chester: I'm so hungry.

He begins to experience variations of motion sickness and falls victim to his hunger. He laid on the floor thinking himself frivelous and amoral. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. It is Chaser.

Chaser: Hi spiro, how's it going?

Chester slowly picks himself up and walks toward the door. He only recalls Chaser as a past joy unfit for his current situation. To avoid feeling the spirit of hostility and resentment, Chester slowly walks away from the door. Something wasn't right. Chester was immediatley affected by a vibe of an errie presence and became bewildered as he froze in astonishment. He felt as if he was in the presence of a supernatural being, nonetheless an akward reaction to Chaser's visit. To escape this fear, he quickly ran to the trailer door. As he opens the door, he is interrupted by a loud bang.

Chaser: Oh my god he's dead!

Chester: What?

To append to the suspense, the serene surrounding is pierced by an unknown vocal.

"Come on let's go back"...."Come on let's go back"

The words were faint and the source was still unknown but the words became more clear as the voice became louder.

"Come on let's go back, follow the Yellow Brick Road as we go on another episode"....

The voice began to repeatedly mock these words only louder and louder each time until Chester was mesmerized and hazed into metal dissipation. His immediate reaction was to resist the formidable force. The force seeped through his every emotion causing him to become crazed until he finally gave into the force. He immediatley dropped to the floor.

Unknown Voice: Remember.
Comedy is essential to preserve humor and hostility, but masks the truth behind it's evil.

"Of his career typical manuer movin' past that"...

Chronicle: Yellow Brick Road
Next Chapter: An Eerie Past (Remember)
Status: Under Development

A Division of Shade45

Any messages sent by the Shade45 Network or its affiliates are not the intentions of Shade45 or Eminem.
An Eerie Past

Phased into mental dissemblance, the mesmerized teenager fell victim to “The Calling” and entered a dimension of overwhelming power and influence.

Chester was then able to revive himself from the formidable force.

Chester: What the f**k? What the hell just happened?

Feeling unfamiliar with his surroundings, Chester notices a change as he entered through this altering dilemma.

The occurrence held overpowering reigns on Chester’s soul leaving him to feel controlled and scolded.

Chester: Why was Chaser screaming saying, “He‘s dead!”? I feel so confused.
Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Unknown Voice: You must follow the "Yellow Brick Road", it is you destiny.

Unknown Voice #2: Why yes, it is.

Chester froze as he witnessed the source of these voices. He slowly walked to the table. Coming from the cupboard were Indistinct whispers communicating with each other. Chester ran to the cabinet and opened it.
He was immediatley blinded by an overpowering flash that blinded him.

Chaser: Hey Spiro! Open the damn door!

Chester remained motionless yet in a relaxed state. In the spur of the moment, he felt and urge to release himself from such an indolent state. He ran to the door and opened it.

Chester: What do you want?!

Chaser: Hey dude, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us.

Chester: Wait, what?

Chaser: Just come.

Chester's belligerent behavior came to a halt as Chaser asked him that question. Chester was in the absence of friends and felt it imperative to acquire one, much similar to his level.

Chaser: Hey Chester, who's that?

Chester: Who?

Chaser: He's got a gun! Watch out!

The thrilling suspense attacked Chester with such ominous and confusion he was once again fell victim to the force.

Chaser: He's dead!

Unknown Voice: He ignored us, so now he must begin again.

Unknown Voice #2: Yes, he has ignored us and he will begin again.
Read and Review

It is understandable to conceive that the outcome of this story weary, but there are several keys to Chester's supposed death. Why is Chaser constantly screaming, "He's dead!"? For every chapter, I will state a clue so that readers can understand the story more efficiently.

Clue #1: Chester is dead!

Who murdered the "troubled teenager" that is constantly reliving his days?