You got to try this.


New member
ok i talked about this... with sygy. and its still not funny. i must rlly see bush as a failure anyway


New member
How can u not find it funny the fact its the first thing that comes up when u push faliure! As in BEST SUITED MATCH

Suicide King

New member
Hah yes. An oldy, but a goody. Google used to correct the phrase "Paris Hilton isnt a *****" when entered into the search, with "Paris Hilton is a *****" It doesn't seem to work anymore. BLAH.

Edit: Click here for a screenshot.



New member
Haha, yea I heard about this on the radio. Never thought to actually try it out, I just took the DJ's word for it. Still funny, regardless :p


Active Members
Wow, I guess the people from Google have a sense of humor. If I had access to the most powerful search engine on the internet, though, I'd do the same thing. :p
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