You guys are pissing me off.

Silver_dragon87 said:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone tells me I'm 'allowed' to post what I want, then they jump on me like a dog on a steak about doing exactly what they told me to. Pick one.

Hahahaha SD just get it off your chest...(don't get big headed) ..but I actually enjoy your's a little different and off the wall..but what the Hell..You seem to follow up on every reply. ;)
Once again, Tizz, just because what I have to say isn't something YOU don't want to hear doesn't mean it hasn't been thought-out. Just because someone thinks differently from you doesn't automatically mean they're wrong. You might FEEL that they're wrong, but that doesn't give you the right to tell them they're not thinking.

And since you know what's best for everyone, why don't you tell me who you want me to post about, will you? Who is it who is always complaining about the state of the world and every person in an entire nation and the downfall of society...................damn, I can't remember. Anyway, while I try to come up with that, go ahead. Tell me who you want me to write about. Like I said, I'm the only one ****ing in here (here being my mind), so I don't know who the hell I'm SUPPOSED to be thinking about. So you tell me, oh wise one.

Parasite, you are entitled to say whatever you want. However, I don't particularly want to hear it anymore. Since all the opinions I'm tired of hearing (again and again and again--I guess I know what it feels like, eh? ;) ) have been caused by my own actions, I'm taking away that cause in the hopes that the reaction might simmer down. That's, you know, one of many mature ways to stop a conversation you don't like--you withdraw. So you can all go on saying whatever you like, as you're allowed to by the rules of this forum, but right now I'm tired of being a part of it. So now, I'm not. Have at me, have at each other, I don't really care.
GF Admin said:
You are obviously an unhinged person, perhaps what you need is a good old fashion screwing to help smooth out those kinks in your personality, bend over now and Yaaaaa you like that don
Ttry posting baout someone BESIDES yourself. Look globally I am sure there is something out there that you can ponder without hurting yourself. One way or another I am either gonna get you to open your damn eyes and mind and escape the power that is your ID, or I will chase you off. Time will tell. (Incase you haven't allready noticed, I have adopted you as my toy. I do love to play you know)
Likewise, Tizz. Until I respect you in any way, you are, in turn, my toy as well. You didn't answer my question--you just pointed vaguely to the horizon and said 'post about something else.' Answer the question, or your arguement is meaningless. Once again, I'm the only one in here, and many of my posts are about how the state of the world--the whole damn world--is affecting me. Tell me who, in particular, I should be talking about.

If you CAN give me an answer that isn't full of ****, you'll have my respect. (But then since I won't fight with you over nothing, you lose your toy. I guess that's lose-lose but nonetheless....)
i only read the thread title and i would like to say

Shut the **** up we don't care if you hate us, hell, I'm saying this because i want you to hate me, your a whining little bitch and you think the world revolves around you, and furthermore, you think your right, you need a reality check, get a ****ing life
Sd what have you had anything to say about that is not part of your little world of teen angst and punk rock (you are SOOOOOOOOO not worthy of OI) ? Lets see you want a topic OK

What can teh world do to uphold the values of the International Declaration of Human rights as it pertains to the current events of the sudan, and what can WE as individuals do to stop the genocide?

Have fun

BTW gaining the respect of a snot nosed, pertentious, arrogant, ignorant little piss ant is HARDLY on my list of life priorities. LOL
What I should write about was not the question--learn to read. I'll post about WHATever the hell I want. The question was, if not myself, whom do you decree fitting for me to post about?
tizz said:
You are ALLOWED to post anything, but you must also take responsibility for being an idiot. It's all about accountability deary. LOL This is just amusing as hell! If you can't take it well..... YOu know the rest
"DEARY' ? ? ? WHAT IS THIS jUST jACK 2005?
Silver_dragon87 said:
Yes, yes, before you even say it, this is another post of SD talking about herself. Know what? If you don't like it, don't read it.


Now it's your own damn fault if it pisses you off; I gave you fair warning.

I'd just like to establish once and for all that I was not AWARE that there were restictions on what I was ALLOWED to post on this forum. I was under the impression that this was the ONE PLACE I could come and post whatever the hell I wanted to. No one told me people would get pissed if I posted a particular kind of thead, or that they would chuck a spaz if my opinions weren't the same as theirs. Fine, I get it; you've made your point. The 'free speech' you advertise here is as phoney as Jerry Springer. (Ironically, this is much LIKE an online version of said Springer.)

So. I get it. I had thought that this was the place where I could say anything I wanted and people would be tough enough, if not rational enough, to take it. Apparently I gave the site too much credit, and I shall keep some of my thoughts to myself from now on. From this day forth, I will make no unrelated comments on your country except to say that I despise what it's become. Surely, it was founded on what a group of people thought was best for it, but...things have gone downhill since then. The whole world's gone downhill since then.

You will now see a restrained and hopefully less OFFENSIVE SD. Send me an IM if you're ever ready to hear ALL of what I have to say.

Are we all quite happy now?
More Power to You SD >>>>You've hit the nail on the head squarely. America is lost I have more rights in other countries as a tourist or Illegal alien than I have in America . Plus you are so correct this site is a closed minded BABY ZONE . I'll keep the shuttle the bay doors open 15 more mins> if you want to get away
8 mecos said:
More Power to You SD >>>>You've hit the nail on the head squarely. America is lost I have more rights in other countries as a tourist or Illegal alien than I have in America . Plus you are so correct this site is a closed minded BABY ZONE . I'll keep the shuttle the bay doors open 15 more mins> if you want to get away



Silver_dragon87 said:
>_> You know I'm against drugs.
Shame on you.

Well then... what the HELL should we talk about SD ?? I mean, after all, this is YOUR post, you started it, so GUIDE the topic, hell, I'm in a ranting mood anyway.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Yes, yes, before you even say it, this is another post of SD talking about herself. Know what? If you don't like it, don't read it.


Thanks for the disclaimer. I'll take your advice and not read on.
The dribble is way to much for me to handle.

I don't want to put anybody on my ignore list. I like the idea of freedom of speech. Even from morons. Crazywumbat made the list once but I took him off. I might put and keep You on it.