You might be a terrorist if...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Right now, as you read this post, you could you be a full-blown terrorist and not even know it!

With the U.S. PATRIOT ACT giving the FBI (along with other alphabet agency groups) unlimited power to obtain personal bank records, internet logs, and all manner of private information - all without the need for any Probable Cause or a Warrant signed by a judge - you had better take the following quiz to find out if you need to turn yourself in before it's too late...

Please answer each question with a YES or NO:

01. I believe in the original U.S.A. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
02. I believe that gold is real money.
03. I believe that silver is real money.
04. I believe in limited government power and authority.
05. I believe the Federal Reserve System is a private enterprise with private owners, and that there is nothing "Federal" about it.
06. I believe the Federal Reserve System should be abolished.
07. I believe in the right to own and hold my own land.
08. I believe the Federal Income Tax is applied unlawfully.
09. I believe in God.
10. I believe there is a 9/11 World Trade Center conspiracy to suppress facts and evidence.
11. I believe the Family, not the government, is the central foundational unit.
12. I believe the basis of the welfare state is wrong.
13. I believe the world financial markets are corrupt.
14. I believe the U.S. judiciary is corrupt.
15. I believe the U.S. body politic, from Congress down to local politicians, is corrupt.
19. I believe the U.S. Federal Government is bankrupt.
20. I believe the "War On Terrorism" is a well planned fraud.
21. I believe the U.S. Federal Reserve Note is a fraud.
22. I believe in privacy and the right to be left alone.
23. I believe in my sovereignty as a common citizen.
24. I believe the United Nations should be abolished.
25. I believe the stock markets are a criminal scheme.
26. I believe that most government statistics are falsified.
27. I believe most of the media is covertly controlled.
28. I believe Rumor Mill News is NOT covertly controlled.
29. I believe that Homeland Security is a direct threat to my common rights, freedom, and liberties as an American.
30. I believe in owning a gun, and in my common right to protect myself & my family with it, only if there is no other alternative available.
31. I believe that with the current U.S. judicial system, I am guilty until I can prove I am innocent.
32. I believe that codes, administrative rules, Attorneys, State Prosecutors, and judges are enforcing that which is not law.
33. I believe that U.S. Law Enforcement exercises too much force and authority, and does so unlawfully.
34. I believe the "War On Drugs" is a fraudulent scam.
35. I believe the Patriot Act must be abolished ASAP.
36. I believe America has now become a Police State.
37. I believe the Attorney BAR is a fraud and a scam to protect the interests of corruption.
38. I believe that an Attorney is not a lawyer.
39. I believe that which is legal is not necessarily lawful.
40. I believe common lawful rights supercede legal codes.


You can THANK George Bin Laden.
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Welp didnt even get passed question one without a yes....

.....searches for turban...
In a really bad ABU type voice
Oh my goooodness...Ijus know there was someting not quite right with me.
And to think.........all those years I have lived just down the street from myself and never even suspected..........I guess it's always the quiet ones. :eek:
lonely4love said:
How could you not be a terrorist with a ****ing dumbass like Bush as Pres.? :confused:
Bring it on! Why take prisoners if you can't **** with them? If they cut off heads then let them wipe their ass with the Qoran. I'd give those prisoners a ride to the big house dangling on a rope from a blackhawk and let them bob for cat fish in the oil slime rivers of their homeland. After I had their attention I'd bring in 87 teen whores on their first day of their period and let them have their way. Then I'd takem (the whores) away until they were ready to **** in the turbine of the guy who talked them into ****ing with someone as crazy as me.
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