Youngans showing skin...etc.

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Crispy Critter said:
Ninety five percent of fads are based totally on capitalism. Young people are the absolute most vulnerable to fads because of necessity to fit in. When parents accept the capitalism image for a minor I tend to question the maturity of the parent?

Its THAT statement right there Crispy, that brings out the more conservative side in me to say "HEY, wait a minute here, enough is enough". And, its also a VERY LARGE factor as to why I am 100% ANTI-CAPITOLIST, to make myself sway towards the Liberal side.

I mean making money and doing well in your business is one thing, but when your business influences culture because you are a media outlet, not taming down the "TRAMPY LOOK OF THE WEEK" knowing fully well your audience is the ever so impressionable youth. Then you are guilty of simply being a Capitolist PIG. Letting kids BUY INTO all the **** they strut on CD's and Music Videos and Movie and TV. Anybody ever ****ing notice, that anymore, you can't see a modern aged or futuristic movie without some kinda ****ing PRODUCT being shown.... ****ing iPod, Cars, all kinds of **** to HELP other companies sell there ****. Capitolism at its best.

Oh, I know realistically, the SLUT look will never die in any generation any time soon, but hell, why not push a more conservative look at LEAST in our youth... and you do that by having those ADULTS in the media industry present themselves more conservative...but besides that...

I bloody hate seeing someones **** and arse hanging out,don't care if you are american or even somalian.
I walk down the street,and I don't know which way to look.It's vile.
It don't make me hate them,it makes me feel disgusted and I do feel some pity for them.I can't imagine how long it takes them to slap so much makeup on.

Hey I guess it goes both ways.

I think how the hell do they dress like that,and they think how the hell do I dress like that. :eek:
The funny thing about politics is that both the republicans and the democrats blame each other for the crap on TV, radio and media in general. Capitalism is supposedly a republican thing but liberalism is a democratic thing...

Do you remember the defining moment for Senator Kerry
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