your biggest turn ons

A lip ring
Super Nice
Great clothes
Hair(not bald guys..)
Great kisses!!:p
Loves me through thick and thin
Gorgeous eyes!
Lusious lips
Cute smile
Sexy laugh
Some tattoos(not alot)
Not a cheater
Sense of humor
Looks in the inside not the outside
Smells sexy..mmm:p
Loves the music I love:D
Funny, for the most part, I am not attracted to anything that anyone has listed.

My ideal mate is:

My ideal mate fits the stereotype of "girl next door" or "damsel in distress".
Call me old fashioned, but I am a knight in shining armour looking for my princess.
majinkamahl said:
Funny, for the most part, I am not attracted to anything that anyone has listed.

My ideal mate is:

My ideal mate fits the stereotype of "girl next door" or "damsel in distress".
Call me old fashioned, but I am a knight in shining armour looking for my princess.

Why do I get the feeling some of the girls on LPF wanted to know this?

simmilar height... build dusnt realy matter but if a girl is thinner than me its all good
can sing along to System of a Down - Aerials.... weird i know...but eh
simmilar tast in music...

simmilar sence of humor...
likes to play jokes on ppl...or uterly confuse them...wichever will get the job done
knows how to have fun

can communicate with me...and i her...

thats about it...
Sexy eyes
clean good hair
smells good
speaks well and not like an idiot
is confident
knows when to be independant and doesnt rely on people for everything
wants to have fun
has some honor and discipline
is not afraid of crying in front of me even though i think crying is kinda pointless
is not afraid of making mistakes
is not afraid of learning from mistakes
is smart
can hold her own in an arguement
lol forgot about smell
thats always important
i never really pay much attention to eyes, or at least their color
kind of pay attention to the shape of their eyes.. or rather the shape of everything on their face.. or rather the shape of everything. im pretty picky

* Good looking in the way that most girls don't see it =D
* A great sense of humor
* A really lovely personality
* Dark hair preferably
* Dark eyes preferably too :)
* Spikes
* Baggy but a good sense of clothing, in that weird boyish skater way
* Musicians - guys who are in bands lol
* Trustworthy and reliable
* Isn't afraid of being himself
* Fresh
* Eyeliner
* 1 or 2 peircings =) I love lip and eyebrow rings
* Isn't afraid of showing emotion
* Sensible
* But fun ;)
* Weirdness
* Cute
* Intelligent guys who are sarcastic but funny <3

And a whole lot more when that came from lol.
nummy nummy...

long dark hair
tight pants
peircings, preferably cartilage, nose, and lip
HUGE sense of humor thats like 50% of it right thurr
somewhat smart
physical *rawr*
and a nice ass. i know i kinda switched it around there, but after seeing jackass the movie....god they have nice asses
guys and gurls

slightly abnormal ;) (different)
able to accept me as me and not try to change me to fit in with his/her image of wot i should be like...
and some other stuff i may come back and type when i can be bothered
well **** im no gunna lie ID LIKE to have a girl with nice looks but thats not all that gf is awsum i love her but yeah

I have to say im a preety nice guy w/ the ladies im nice and sumtimes gentlemenlike