Your Cheatin' Heart


New member
Well I don't know about all men,but I know somali men.As soon as a baby pops out, they scram.So I have vowed never to marry a somali man.

But I'm set on mexicans(except MRIH) ;)



New member
quick facts, in most relationships men tend to be more loyal. this fact is attributed to a mans primitive drive to protect and care for his family/loved ones, and his willingness to "stick it out" another fact, approximately only 10% of divorces are started my the man. some call us pitiful and dogs, or '***** whipped' but think about it
It all depends on how you spin it. I have heard, from social behavior theorists, that men have trouble with commitment due to a primitive desire to spread their seed around and have as many children as possible to insure the survival of their bloodline. He also stated the women invest more time in the beginning of the relationship to try to keep the man around in order to ensure the survival of her offspring which need a long term commitment. This was his explanation for men being whores and women being prudish.

Personally, I think both theories are full of ****. The way individuals react to and value relationships depend on that individual. I have never heard that statistic on divorce but it is interesting and definitely worth my looking into.



New member
I wouldn't cheat on my gf with a close friend of mine.

I would cheat on her with a complete stranger with no tie to me whatsoever, that's from a foreign country and she doesn't speak english and she's blind, and she lives in different state.

It's just better feeling that way. Because you know then, you cheated because you need some other flavor ice cream, not because you want to change your favorite flavor.

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