your custom tour setlist

Thanks guys, I appreciate it, lol. :D

I was working on a setlist... and I think they should be using this one for everything before Projekt Revolution 07. The PR setlist has to be crazy, but this one should be good enough for the promo shows.

01. One Step Closer
02. Lying From You
03. Somewhere I Belong
04. No More Sorrow
05. Given Up
06. Papercut
07. Valentine's Day
08. Shadow of the Day
09. What Ive Done
10. Breaking The Habit
11. Numb
12. In Between
13. Leave Out All The Rest
14. In Peices
15. Crawling
16. Hands Held High
17. From The Inside
18. In The End
19. The Little Things Give You Away
21. Bleed It Out
22. A Place For My Head
23. Faint

what do you mean by good enough? are the rest of the world not good enough to get the extra juicy stuff or what

I didn't mean that in that way.

Linkin Park always spiced up thier setlist for PR, and after The promo tours across Europe, they are doing Projekt Revolution.

Europe got tours before the rest of the world the last two albums anyway, and if anything, I was saying that that setlist would be better for the European shows. I worded myself wrong, and I'm sorry.
ahh alright, I hear ya. no worries lol

Yeah, once again though, I am sorry it came across that way. I'm the one still hoping they pay Iceland a visit one of these days.

I think people should be realistic and keep it between 16-19 songs.

Lp's songs are alot shorter than some of the bands they tour with. I personally believe 23 is reasonable. They were up to like 19 or something like that for the Meteora World Tour in 2004.
Yeah, once again though, I am sorry it came across that way. I'm the one still hoping they pay Iceland a visit one of these days.
hehe, don't worry, I know what you meant now

yeah I wasn't thinkin about that though, cause I don't consider it a realistic possibility lol
but yeah thanks man
I'll catch them someday :)
Well since they've released a new album I guess I should update my custom setlist now

1. Session
2. Don't Stay
3. One Step Closer
4. Points of Authority
5. Somewhere I Belong
6. Crawling
7. What I've Done
8. Shadow of a Day
9. Leave out All the Rest
10. From the Inside
11. Easier to Run
13. Given Up
14. Faint
15. A Place For My Head
16. Breaking The Habit
17. The Little Things Give you Away
18. Nobody's Listening
19. Numb
Well since they've released a new album I guess I should update my custom setlist now

1. Session
2. Don't Stay
3. One Step Closer
4. Points of Authority
5. Somewhere I Belong
6. Crawling
7. What I've Done
8. Shadow of a Day
9. Leave out All the Rest
10. From the Inside
11. Easier to Run
13. Given Up
14. Faint
15. A Place For My Head
16. Breaking The Habit
17. The Little Things Give you Away
18. Nobody's Listening
19. Numb

this one is really cool...especially because you included Easier To Run:D
Alright, I just recently did a setlist that I thought would be practical for their current tour. Now I'll do the setlist for the show I want, lol. It has alot of wishful thinking and it isn't so practical, but its my dream setlist. Here it is...


00. Session

- Plays while everything is being set-up.

01. One Step Closer

- With current tour intro; leads directly into:

02. Figure.09

- Standard live song, next song begins immediatly afterwards.

03. Lying From You

- Standard live song; The band stops after this to give the normal talks about the new album, and how the next song is new:

04. Given Up

- Also Standard; Everything goes dark and silent directly after song ends.

05. Papercut

- Starts with shortened intro from Manchester, England 21.11.03; continues on normally. After song they talk a little bit about how all the fans should've been singing along. Mike mentions how all the REAL hardcore fans should sing along on the next one.

06. Part of Me

- Played like the version from the Hybrid Theory DEMOS CD.

07. Don't Stay

- Starts with Forward, then continues on normally.

08. Hit The Floor

- Standard as usual.

09. Step Up/Nobody's Listening/It's Goin Down/Dedicated

- Mike gets crowd pumped before hand like with the Hip-Hop Medley during PR 04. Song goes like it does on the LPU4 CD, except during Nobody's Listening where Mike does the verse from Standing in the Middle in place of the normal Nobody's Listening verse. After It's Goin Down ends, it sorta slow down and Dedicated starts up and the whole song is done.

10. No More Sorrow

- Played like usual.

11. Runaway

- Played like always; after like an explosion effect it leads directly into:

12. WTH>You

- Yes, the Reanimation version, with the last verse also in it.

13. NTR Mssion

- Played after WTH>You, next song begins a few moments after this ends:

14. Leave Out All The Rest

- Played like the album version.

15. Shadow of The Day

- Played like the album version, with the What I've Done intro at the end, which leads directly into:

16. What I've Done

- Yes, you guessed it.. this is the next song, played the usual way too.

17. Hands Held High

- Played like the album version, except with more epicness! Leads right into the next song:

18. From The Inside

- Played with the intro from the Meteora World Tour in 2004.

19. Valentine's Day

- Played just like the album version.

20. No Roads Left

- Sorry to all you Mike fans... but Chester sings it live. ;)

21. Crawling

- Played like usual live, begins with the short Reanimation intro.

22. In The End

- Played with the fancy intro and all.

23. The Little Things Give You Away

- Played just like the awesome album version.



- Played like it was in Summer Sonic 2006.

25. Bleed It Out

- Played like usual.

26. A Place For My Head

- Just for all the lovers of this song out there, they go crazy and totally tear it up!!

27. Faint

- Ahh, here it comes... the end. This is played like normal, with the new ending from the live version.


Well... thats it. Took me about 45 minutes to make, but well worth it. Hope they come to my house and play this setlist soon!! [/sarcasm]
Not too much crazy, just all the ones I loved...I wanted to cut it to 20 but there was absolutely no way for me to choose which to get rid of here...why are they so insane?

1. Faint
2. One Step Closer
3. Carousel
4. Crawling
5. Somewhere I Belong
6. No More Sorrow
7. By_myslf
8.Points of Authority
9. Hit the Floor
10. In the End
11.From the Inside
12. Forgotten
13. Lying From You
14. Pushing Me Away
15. Numb
16. Don't Stay
17. Place for my Head
18. With You
19. Figure.09
20. Papercut
21. Easier to Run
22. Runaway
23. Breaking the Habit
24. What I've Done
this took quite a long time as well lol
but here it is
again mind you, this isn't very realistic in any sense of the word, haha
forgive me

1. intro/OSC
2. No more sorrow
3. Foreword/Don't stay
4. Somewhere I belong
5. Part of me
6. POA w/ new intro
7. what I've done
8. Hands held high
9. From the inside
10. In pieces
11. Papercut
12. With you
13. Mr. Hahn goes insane (IT'S SCRATCHY TIME!) / Session / CFTI / Ambient / Technique
14. Shadow of the day
15. Qwerty
16. Nobody's listening (extended with whatever verse Mike thinks of doing lol)
17. And one
18. High voltage remix
19. Reading my eyes
20. Step up
21. Figure.09
22. Pushing me away (HT album version)
23. Bleed it out
25. In the end
26. BTH + piano beginning
27. The little things give you away
28. Dedicated (surprise surprise! Mike OWNS the stadium with the rhymes)
2nd encore
29. A place for my head
30. Faint + new ending (death metal what???) lol