Your death wish

This actually came up at a racer(im in cross country), and i was watching my teammates at the 2 mile mark, and were like "oh crap! theres a ferrari parked right there!" so we strart just staring oat it and codys like "you know, part of my deathwish involves a ferrari" and he explained it, so i stole it from him
It would have to be quick and painless.. I was thinking something highly publicised, like I get pushed off a bridge or shot by some gunman in the middle of the street. Then everyone would know and be so sad for me ^__^
woahhhh... well how i would like to die.. problably fighting for my opinion, weather a ****in' gangster busts out his 9 and shoots me, or someone slices my throat with there cute lil pocket knife.. as long as im fighting for what i beleive in, and whats right. ORRR lol.. At a concert.. HAVIng A GOOD TIME. I would like to die..somewhere.. and make sure, that my last moments were fun, and not bitter.. Next to chester would be nice too :)
Well id like to die and in a very large orgy. Like hot women all around me but if that wasnt the case then

It'd be a stormy night. The Kronik(me) would be walking down the streets with a gun in my right pocket. A really hot girl would run up to me and be like. "Oh Hamid run! Their coming to kill you!" Id look at her. "Kill me? Who?!" She swallow hard and look me in the eyes. "The bloods." I'd pull out my blue bandana and wrap it around my face. I turn my dallas cowboys fitted backwards and pull out my gun and **** it back."Go home to my parents. Tell them I love them." The girl would run and id say "Hey wait!" She'd turn around. I'd remove my bandana and look her in the eyes. As the rain poured perfusly i'd take a deep breath and kiss her once last time. "I love you." I whisper for the first time ever. Tears would sprint down her face and she wrap her arms around me. "Go." Id say softly. Id turn around and see them comig down the streets laughing and cussing there lungs out. I'd lift my gun and breath heavily. My index finger would squeeze the trigger laying one of the five bloods on the ground to rest. Id run and duck behind a near by car. Bullets would fly over my head. I'd standup and lodge another bullet into the eye of the leader. I'd leap over the car and and pistol whip the first man in the emple leaving him to fall to the ground lifelessly. Fourth man ran up to me and swung a knife at my face, splitting open my cheek. It expose my flesh and blood. Id flinch back and grap my cheek whimpering only slightly. Id lift my gun and shoot him in the throat. The bullet would fly out the back and hit the leader in his heart. One more. One more. My gun was empty as was his. Fist to fist. The best way to die. I ran after to him and swung knocking him down. I leaped on him and swung at his face. He swung back twice as hard knocking me over. I ripped off his bandanna. He did the same to me. We gazed into each others eyes for what seemed like hours. It was my best friend. He lifted his hand and swung it into my face. Repeatedly. Shwoing no remorse. I pushed him off and wiped the blood from my face. I leaped out for the dead mans knife and shoved it in his stomach. Blood squirted from my friend mouth as he screamed out. I pulled out the knife and sat back leaving him to suffer. "You win." he say gasping for air. I'd try to lift him up but my body was to weak."Leave me man." hed cry. "Nah im getting you to a hospital." The rain sipped through the cut on my body. "Im sorry man." Id cry. " sorry...i love you man....we brothers." I stood up and began to walk away. "Yo hamid" Id turn around and look at him holding up a gun. "you always said if we was gunna die, we'd go out together. Well, might aswell." Hed squeeze the trigger and life would freeze. Id fall to my knees and hands looking at him. He rested his head on the ground as did I. The girl would come screaming. It would all be a blur. I'd close my eyes. And my blood would form angels wings. A child would be born. While one mother grieved another shed tears of joys. The tombstone would read hamid ali 1990-2009. the birth certificate. Hamid Ali November 23 2009.