Your favourite movie/tv quote ^^


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
eh I got bored when I thought of this thread.. I didn't find any threads like this when I searched ^_^

but anyway.. tell us your favourite movie/tv quote..

my favourite is from bromwell high:
"I like your ear rings"-Spencer
"Oh thanks, they're from a shop"- Keisha @@;
"Yeah.. shops are good"- Spencer
"yeah, I like shops"- Keisha...

it's just.. so.. random..
or this one:
"BAD! B-A-F!"-Keisha ^_^ yay

or or!!!
in dude where's my car:
"y'know what? I am going to come in there and shove MY foot UP your ass if you say and then again!!"-Jesse

(PS: I'm bored)
i have to, but they are just song lyrics which i found today and really liked.
'To live and not to breath
Is to die in tragedy
To run, to run away
To find what you believe
And I Leave behind
This hurricane of ****ing lies
I lost my faith to this
This town that dont exist'

its in part five of 'Jesus of Surburbia' (tales of another broken home)
The really really really fat guy from the remake of The Italian Job said this:

"There are 3 things I don't mess with; mother nature, mothers in law, and mother-freakin Ukrainians"

I <3 that one :p
Scooby Doo 2 movie:

Shaggy: We're going to die!
Daphne: Think positive!
Shaggy: We're going to die quickly!
Meg (mad at Peter for embarrasing her): I can never go to school again!
Stewie: Oh, yes, Meg, yes-yes yes, everything was going swimmingly for you until this. Yes, yes, THIS is the thing that will ruin your reputation, not your years of grotesque appearance, or your awkward social graces, or that Felix Ungerish way you clear your sinuses, no no no, it's THIS. Do you hear yourself talk? I might kill you tonight.

Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.

Doctor: Mr. Griffin, you're fine.
Peter: Oh now you're coming on to me?
Lois: Peter, he's not coming on to you, he's telling you you're healthy!
Doctor: Can't it be both?

Gun advocate: Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do.

Gepetto: Whoops, I dropped my glasses. (Bends down, butt facing Pinochio.) Oh, by the way Pinochio, there were some cookies missing from the jar. Uh, did you take them?
Pinochio: No, pa. I didn't.
Gepetto: Are you sure you didn't?
Pinochio: No, pa. I'd never lie to you.
Gepetto: Are you sure? I mean, you could lie to me. And who knows? You may even get away with it.

Congressman: Cigarettes killed my father, and raped my mother.

Hotel Manager: And this is the bathroom, but watch out we got some bad roaches here.
Red Roach: Hey, you're on our turf man!
Green Roach: Hey man! I'll cut you, I'll cut you up so bad you, you gonna wish I no cut you so bad!
Brian: Those are bad roaches.
Manager: I blame the schools.

(Brian and Stewie come up to the crowd around the well.)
Man: There's a little girl stuck in that well. Unfortunately no one's arms are long enough to reach her except for that one guy, but he's helping that woman tickle a midget in a tree.

an inmate named Steve comes to kill Peter, Joe, Quagmire, and Cleveland, but they left before he got to their cell.
Steve: Huh, they're all gone. Oh well, hey I wonder what this feels like. [Stabs himself] Oh god that hurts!!! So thats what I've been doing to people??? I belong here.

Meg: You could kill all the girls who are prettier than me.
Death: Well that would just leave England.

Tom Tucker: Because of an accident today at the Quahog cable company, all television transmission will be out for an undetermined amount of time. Of course, no one can see this news program, so it doesn't really matter what we say. I'm the Lord Jesus Christ. I think I'll go get drunk and beat up some midgets, how about you, Diane?
Diane Simmons: Well, Tom, I just plain don't like black people.
Camera man: Hey guys, we're still on in Boston.
(Later On During The Show)
Tom Tucker: Well Diane, that last report was so good I think you deserve a spanking.
Diane: Oh Tom, I don't think your wife would appreciate that.
Tom: Haha, that frigid old cow lives in Quahog she can't hear a word I'm saying.
Camera Guy: Actually, we're back on the air in Quahog.


(Guy walks up to Peter and kicks him in the nuts.)
Peter screams.
Lois: Oh, my god! What are you doing?
(Peter is still screaming.)
Lois: What's wrong with you?
Peter: What the hell, man?
Guy: Hurts, doesn't it?
Peter: What the hell do...? Yes! What the hell's your problem?
Guy (laughs): My friend, my friend...
Peter: Ow! Ow! What?!
Guy (pointing at camera): You've been kicked in the nuts!
Peter: No way!
Guy (laughs): You're gonna be on TV.
Peter (shaking guy's hand): Oh, sweet!
Lois: Oh wow!
Peter: Oh, my god!
Lois: We love that show!
Peter (waving at camera): Oh, that is awesome! Hey, hi.
Guy: You're on it!
the only ones i can think of at the top of my head are:

Not Another Teen Movie:
"Good luck young man!" -random lady in airport

"Make me bleed my own blood!" - Ben Stiller

"They really are the worst twins ever..." -cant rememberh is name. :D
Drug Lady: Whats your name?
Peter: errrrm *looks around*
Peter: *sees pea* Pea.....
Peter: *sees tear* tear......
Peter: *sees grittith*: Grittith

Peter: Yea that it Peter Gritthin..... aww crap

Another One

Brian: Your Drunk
Stewies: *in a slur* ur sexy
"There is life in every breath, that is bushido" - katsamoto from The Last Samurai

"Merry christmas you little jerks!"- bam Margera
"You cant just put some hamer and nails to something and hammer something and expect it to grow!" don vito
"Vito, I'm as dumb as a box of rocks and you come right under it"- ryan dunn

"Basically I love to bang the **** out of them." Rob Bourdon talking about drums. (cough cough pervs!) XD

Sales Asscoate: Cash or credit?
Person: its a baseball bat, cash
SA: .....
P: sorry I just spent four hours at the DMV
SA: would you like it wrapped, or are you going back to the DMV?

"...and suddenly there came a tapping, someone who was gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.... I rapped, why didnt you answer?"- brandon lee the crow
"Free Your Mind" - Morpheus from The Matrix
"Never Say Die" - Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
"Above all else, to thine own self be true" - Data from Star Trek, The Next Generation
*Arnie smashes down the door and then kills all people inside the room* He then says 'Knock Knock!'

This is on predetor... I like this cuz its so cheesy!
Well I 'll be one to name another quote from Family Guy
Peter is in church and drink a sip of wine then peter turn to the priest.
Peter:WHO! Is that really Jesus' blood?
Priest nodds yes
Peter:He must have drinking 24/7

Dammmiiitttttt!!!!!!! Family Guy rules!!!!!

There is another one "See you on the Flip Side"from Boondock Saints
Okay I forgot his name.