Your Goals for 2006?


New member
We have a whole new year ahead of us. So what are your goals for it?


Well after seeing a few people's post, I found that I have some similar goals as them.

1. Get serious with my band.

2. Get guitar lessons

3. Learn to skateboard

4. Get a little bit.. erm.. chunkier?

5. Work out and get a bit buff.. XD (if possible..)



New member
you know what I usually get ready for this but latel;y too busy so I don't know man

UUUmmm run away from where I live is one for sure that's why I have a job to leave and I don't know get really wasted for old time's



New member
LOL LPgirl atleast your's are good one's even tho we think it's lame well not me you sound responsible ^_^

or the retarded face@_@



New member
Hmm goals:D Yeah it's good to make goals =) Well one, I need a new job, that doesn't scam me on pay! To get into uni, to spend less time on the computer lol, do better in college, to sleep less, to stop being so lazy, hm to get out more xD, meet new people, listen to more music, learn to play the guitar, to buy an amp, to meet more bands, have more confidence, to stop burning food, less shy etc:D I hope to accomplish at least half of them lol.


New member
to lose 50 pounds im like 135-140 im so obese. it would be nice to loose alot of weight


New member
I want to loose weight, but I have been recently now so yay! But keep that up is one thing.

Actually the Diet Coke ad somes me up well

'Have less sugar and drink more!' only I wont be drinking diet cola ;)



New member
yeah probably not. lol. i could just try the toliet paper trick cause it made me loose 5 pounds in a wek once


New member
^you eat toliet paper for breakfast and it settles in your tummy and your tummy cant digest it quickly or something. anyway it means you wont be hungry for days


New member

Anyway I'd like to get buff in 2006 :D

that would be nice

another goal would be to stop being single all the time...



New member
poor fribby. mine is to not kill my sisters this year, this has worked as a goal for many years and I dont intend to break it


New member


.............. grades.


Other than that... I dont like goals. Never have.

Life goes on, I take things as they come, and I make what I can of it.

Oh, and I want to finish v3.0 of my websizzite.

At least Ive got a splash page up. >>> :thumbsup:

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New member
I don't usually make goals, I never achieve them anyway.

I guess one would be to meet more people, be more talkative and more outgoing. Oh and to pass all of those GCSEs I've got coming up this year >_<



New member
hmm i make them but never stick to them...ah well

well id say be a nicer person, that means be nicer in the things i say and think about others...

and maybe find a better outlet for being angry

and improve work...actually DO some work, that would be a start

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