Your Goals for 2006?


New member
errrrmmmmm goals in 2006....

get divorced is top of my list!!!!

get married to the most wonderfull man alive (my andy)

get my daughter to her first day of high school without having a breakdown.

make sure my kids are happy and healthy.



New member
-Spend way more time with my music

-find all the lyrics and ideas and get back with the band,get serious

-Take time with school work and try to use my brain


Shadowed Heart

New member

1) Get a boyfriend

2) Keep a good attitide about this sh*t world

3) Make some friends

4) Get some f*king courage

5) Finish the 7th grade... boy, that's be great... :rolleyes:



Active Members
1) Celebrate my first one year anniversery with my girlfriend

2) Get accepted into college

3) Get a good job

4) Be more friendly with people

5) Improve the school paper



New member
My goals:

-Get on rove live

-Kill all n00bs (including steve irwin)

-Bring down the govornment

-Buy a gun

-Take over the world

-Get at least one A grade (even if it is by force o_O)

-Kill internet explorer

-Change neopet's name to "n00bpets"

-Slap at least on person

-Start Empire

-Shave prep's hair in their sleep

-Watch over 12 hours of TV

-Critisize everyone


-Learn to skate(more)/surf/snowboard

^_^ I have too many goals



New member
lmao gem your funny ^_^

to lose 50 pounds im like 135-140 im so obese. it would be nice to loose alot of weight
well im 150 -_-

^you eat toliet paper for breakfast and it settles in your tummy and your tummy cant digest it quickly or something. anyway it means you wont be hungry for days
doesnt it make you sick or something?



New member
1. Get some new DJ equipment

2. Finish my self-titled album/mixtape

3. Finish my photography portfolio

4. NOT fail the SATs

5. Don't do drugs and alcohol too often

6. Don't die.

I hope you all have a happy 06 :thumbsup:



New member
lmao gem your funny ^_^

well im 150 -_-

doesnt it make you sick or something?
im 137 :( and im 5"9 so if you can imagine i look a grossly fat. yeah it does make you really sick when i did for the first time i couldnt stop throwing up.



New member
1. Do better in school.2. Have a band started.

3. Improve my guitar playing.

4. Gain some weight.(hehe. yeah)
Oh yeah.. I actually need to gain some too -.-

Eat some more (at school)



New member
137pounds.... thats only like 9 - 10 Stone which really isnt that bad o_O

I weigh about 190 - 200 pounds :( but I guese I am rather tall (6'4) :S



New member
137pounds.... thats only like 9 - 10 Stone which really isnt that bad o_O
I weigh about 190 - 200 pounds :( but I guese I am rather tall (6'4) :S

wow i wish i was that tall. coolness



New member
137pounds.... thats only like 9 - 10 Stone which really isnt that bad o_O
I weigh about 190 - 200 pounds :( but I guese I am rather tall (6'4) :S

ack -dies- tall boys<33 yeah, i actually weigh almost 200 because im 6'1. i admit, im a little above average, but not much. i mean, 200 would be huge for somone 5'8 or something, but it's really not that bad for someone 6'1.



New member
lol 6'4 is like the perfect height if u wanna be tall as u dont like crash into the door frame yet and u can still walk on the busses to an extent lol


New member
lol 6'4 is like the perfect height if u wanna be tall as u dont like crash into the door frame yet and u can still walk on the busses to an extent lol
i like really tall guys. theyre so....tall

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