Your greatest fear


New member
I'm scared of having to choose between two people if one of them is going to die.

I do not fear death itself but I fear how I will die. I'm **** scared of burning, drowning and suffocating. Those are the most horrible ways to die. Oh and being electrocuted.

I'm also scared of my English teacher. Dont ask why I just am.



New member
Wow...dude, EVERYTHING you said there is my biggest fears too. Freaky
Majin_Raziel, did you mean me? I guess some of my fears are a bit common... It's kinda cool in a way if we have the same ones lol that way we know what each other is talking about :)



New member
1. My biggest fear is to lose my loved ones; they're the reason I'm still alive and my life means nothing without them.2. I'm also afraid to die before my time, that is, while I'm young and still haven't made something out of myself. But I guess I'd rather die before my closest friends, I wouldn't bear the pain of loss.

3. I'm afraid of failure.

4. I'm terrified of rejection.

5. I'm terrified of loneliness.

6. I'm scared of spiders and other nasty bugs.

7. I'm also afraid of stalkers and robbers, I mean, when coming home from school at late hours I get this eerie feeling of people watching me. I get really scared walking the streets in the dark, who knows what kinda of freaks could be there too :\
Same...Except #7



New member
i don't fear death anymore, it's just a beginning, not the end, that's what i believe at least.

probly becoming blind, deaf or an amputee, losing relatives, dying alone (dying is nothing, dying alone is still terrible)

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