Your New Years resolution... quit ****ing lying to yourself.

Lets see...My New Years Resolutions...

Drive no more then 50 miles in a least for a couple months until I can blot the 2400 miles out of my mind that I have driven in December.

I will no longer be answering the phone, no matter how loud someone screams on my answering machine or how terse and nasty people get. I am tired of verbal abuse so keep yammering at my answering machine...Your dead to me.

I need to drink more. While I was in Texas, I had to escape my family so a friend took me out, he asked me what do you want to eat, I replied, I don't need any food, just a couple Long Island Iced Teas, please. I felt better that night then I did all the other nights I was in hell, put together. It was especially meaningful when the State of Texas began to spontaneously combust, apparently not enough rain, 80 degree temps and high winds don't mix well at all.

I found another one, Don't go back to Texas...Ever, or at least as long as any of my certifiable family still live there.

I don't actually believe in new years resolutions, its stupid and pathetic.
scout said:
Are you joking! Scream your head off if you feel the need! Not a time for heroics.

I do concur about the screaming your ****ing head off in childbirth. I can't imagine what it's like, but if you need to scream, let it out, by all means.

Scout, your handle reminds me of a few places where I read that native or indigenous americans actually gave birth on their own, by quietly sneaking off into a secluded grove, and silently doing the job alone. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Builder said:
Scout, your handle reminds me of a few places where I read that native or indigenous americans actually gave birth on their own, by quietly sneaking off into a secluded grove, and silently doing the job alone. Can anyone confirm or deny that?

Very much true, Builder. I believe it was in African Cultures. They discussed it in my birthing class. The women were NEVER told of what child birth is like, what to expect, what to do....yet they did things similar to those who had some sort of childbirth training, i.e. walking, squatting...alot of it is instinct. But yes, they do the job alone.
angie said:
Very much true, Builder. I believe it was in African Cultures. They discussed it in my birthing class. The women were NEVER told of what child birth is like, what to expect, what to do....yet they did things similar to those who had some sort of childbirth training, i.e. walking, squatting...alot of it is instinct. But yes, they do the job alone.
I believe Scout was Tontos' horse.
Yeah, American Indians are said to have done it that way too. Whew.........
scout said:
I believe Scout was Tontos' horse.
Yeah, American Indians are said to have done it that way too. Whew.........

From what I remember, it has to do with not attracting predators.
scout said:
Well, there you go Angie! It won't be so bad, you don't have to worry about predators.
LMAO!! No predators, just my future-in-law. I really can't see being too thrilled to see her during or shortly after labor. Should be interesting....needless to say, I won't be reminding him to call her...
angie said:
LMAO!! No predators, just my future-in-law. I really can't see being too thrilled to see her during or shortly after labor. Should be interesting....needless to say, I won't be reminding him to call her...

I have never thought it made alot of sense to make the birthing room, grand central station. I told my doctor I didn't want a 3 ring circus and they abided by my wishes. If thats how you want it Ang, tell your doctor and the doctor will tell the family that he/she wants the room clear. This is about you, your baby and the babies father. The babies father needs to be sensitive to you what you want, as in nobody there if thats what you want.
I wanted to drive myself to the hospital and not have anyone around. I was single and not in contact with the babies father by that time. My family while trying to be helpful had just about driven me crazy.
Lethalfind said:
I have never thought it made alot of sense to make the birthing room, grand central station. I told my doctor I didn't want a 3 ring circus and they abided by my wishes. If thats how you want it Ang, tell your doctor and the doctor will tell the family that he/she wants the room clear. This is about you, your baby and the babies father. The babies father needs to be sensitive to you what you want, as in nobody there if thats what you want.
I wanted to drive myself to the hospital and not have anyone around. I was single and not in contact with the babies father by that time. My family while trying to be helpful had just about driven me crazy.
I don't plan on letting her in the room. I get the impression she thinks she's going to be. Would've been nice of her to ask. She actually just left here, and was all like "Call me if you go into labor I'll drive you to the hospital". Like I can't drive five minutes my damn self. It's not like you suddenly go into labor and BOOM out pops a baby.
I want Bobby(babys father my fiancee), my mom, and my best friend (as long as she's not working). That's it. I'll call the in-law AFTER she's born.
(I will be adding the fact that I want minimal amounts of people in the room on my birth plan)
RoyalOrleans said:
I hate Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, and Alabama... I plan on staying out of those states this year.

I agree wholeheartedly about Texas and have to add a few more. Louisiana is one I don't care if I ever visit again as well. Unfortunately I will have to return to Texas but flying this time and hopefully only for a couple days. A hit and run type of visit.
People from Utah frighten me, I can say for sure I won't ever go there again.