z0mgawd i heart t3h l1nk1n!


Dec 13, 2004
Phoenix, Arizona
Yeah yeah, I'm back ish. It's been like a year since I posted around here coherently. Or coherently enough to get repped for it lol. Anyways, yeah, probably a lot of new faces around and whatnot.

Little bit of an update with me..

I've been dating Felicia for over a year now. We've had our fair share of fights, but we're still chug chug chuggin along strong as ever.

I graduated high school in May 07. Best night of my life, saddest as well. I really do miss a lot of the friends that went to other states for college.

I started college in August 07. My major is Computer Systems/Science Engineering. What that means to you is either being a programming engineer or a hardware engineer. I'm leaning towards programming.

My step-father is still alive. However, he is still very ill. His weakening state leads me to believe I will be losing him very soon.

I lead a very busy life nowadays. My day starts at 7:00 am, I wake up and go for a jog before showering before class. On Mondays and Wednesdays I start class at 9:50 am, so I usually catch up on homework before class. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I start class at 9:25 am. I get out of school at 12:30 pm every day. I go over to Felicia's apartment when I get out of class and spend time with my two baby dogs. They're Australian Shephard mixes, and I love them to death. Their names are Joule and Foxy. After that I go to work for 7 hours so I can pay my bills. I try to get to bed by 1:00 am so I can start the routine all over again.

I'm not very into photoshop or counter-strike anymore. I still photoshop on a rare occasion. I haven't picked up my headset for counter-strike since March.

Oh, and I'm still a Linkin Park fan. Despite how little I enjoy Minutes to Midnight.

So yeah, am I back? I do not know. I'm here for now, we'll see if I stay.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!
lol hello there -_-
bah seems like a busy life... guess im gonne have to leave my PS and warcraft too next year when i go to univercity :<
nice too see you back, im josh btw
I'm afraid you are one of a kind of a lost generation on here...they've pretty much all left I think
or what...

anyway cool you're back
welcome back

hehe gradon, im gonna be BUYING me a PS(or an xbox...money pending...Oo") when i leave HS to start Uni, why?iv been shackled in HS...and Unis a release for me..(so to speak) ^^