I've worked tech inspection...almost everything has been covered, but I'll summarize here with a few extra notes:
- You must have your tech inspection sheet out and the top completed with your name, race #, etc. and your signature (it will be in the large envelope of your registration packet
- tail light (we have you turn it on and check to see it is working)
- numbers front and back and side (white background with black letters)
- first aid kit (and no, it doesn't matter what kind or how good...could even be your own home made kit, but PLEASE get and use a good kit anyway. It should at least include ibuprofin, neosporin, ice pack, and that emergency space blanket mentioned above. If you or some friends have some leftover pain killers from a previous injury, I would throw those in too...race accidents on a quad are never good)
- helmets -we check for stickers on the inside, underneath the lining and not only check for both DOT and Snell, but that it is within 4 years of age, if the helmet passes inspection, you get a sticker on it, which we again check for on race day at the start line. All helmets used by any team members need to be checked.
- chassis has to get tagged and the number has to get recorded (make sure they do match the number on the tag to your name) and then the engine has to get marked with paint (by a tech inspector)
- Score stickers are to be placed visibly on the front (to easily show up in any photos)
- your tech inspection sheet should get signed by an inspector and then collected
- We don't check the tracker equipment...you go to another station for that (unless that has changed in then past few races)
Another little tip is that on the day of contingency, when the cars line up for tech inspection in a looooong line, the bikes and quads do NOT have to wait in that line. You walk straight up to the gate and they will let you right in....there rarely is much of a line in the bike area.
Also, since I have raced on both quads and bikes, here is a little list of the things I like to carry on the bike and/or in a camelback on race day:
- basic tools for the bike
- zipties
- duc tape
- JB weld
- lock tite
- small snacks (i.e., power bars and gels)
- water in a camel back (so many guys overlook the importance of staying hydrated...this definitely give you an advantage)
- master link
- extra cash (5s and 10s are good for being able to buy stuff off of a local in a pinch)
- ideally you should have a race radio set up and a gps
Hope that helps! When I think of more, I'll add to that list...