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  • *Lies on RO's couch and props feet up against the wall*

    Is it wrong of me to be ashamed of my husband because he works at a Thumbtack factory? I always envisioned myself being married to a man who builds turbines or even staple guns, but thumbtacks seem so....ordinary. I mean, it's a tack that you push into place with your thumb. Big woop! Where's the thrill in that?

    He's also spending a lot of time at the neighbor's house....talking to her, playing Parcheesi with her, washing her with her washing stick....

    Tell me, do you think the magic is gone?
    "Where I come from, a lab partnership is a sacred trust. One is always supposed to look out for one's lab partner!" - Baron Underbheit
    Did you wake up covered in orange Cheetos dust and twinkie wrappers this morning?
    Pirate Captain: (after getting shot with tranquilizer darts) Oooohhh...It's like gettin' sucked off by an angel!
    "Okay big fella, you first. I charge you ten bucks for the gilded lily, twenty for the Roman holiday, fifty for the old Walrus 'n' Carpenter,and for seventy-five you can sleigh ride down Kilimanjaro." - Prostitute from the Venture Brothers pilot episode.
    Are you kidding me? Brock Samson?

    I only have the biggest crush on him EVER! Cartoon character or not....that's a MAN.

    I should change mine to Molotov ****tease...haha. Good show!
    lol, I thought that was Edward Furlong in American History X in your avatar, until I saw Taxi Driver last night.
    I'm trying to get it to load....

    haha! I said "load". huh, huh, huh, huh...huh.
    Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. GREAT MOVIE!!!!
    That's not what I meant, but okay. Maybe I can help you by uglying you up some how:D
    Actually, my bf and you have the exact same haircut. Sooo, what does that mean?:eek:
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