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  • Que bien. Si no, recomiendo que hagas gargaras con agua y vinagre (no huele muy bien pero es efectivo.) Un tercio de vinagre en un vaso de agua. Si no te recuperas pronto, yo y Emkay pasamos a cuidarte y traerte caldo de pollo;)
    Se llama eyaculacion precoz, preguntale a todos tus amigos que hablan Espanol... lol j/k:D Amigdalitis o' simplemente, dolor en la garganta:)
    Muy bien. Un poco aburrida en el trabajo, pero que hacer... De que estas enfermo?
    I ran away from home when I was 5, over potato salad. My Mom said if you don't like it you can leave. So I did. I packed my favorite dress still on the hanger and spent the next 2 hours at the end of the block, waiting for someone to come get me. They never did :D
    I can't. I don't like it all. I prefer vinaigrette on a warm potato salad with lots of herbs. I abhor potato or egg salad (the mayo variety).
    Although given the combinations of food you seem to enjoy, I wouldn't figure mayonaise would turn your stomache.
    It sounds to me like you would like a house wench. I answered your Monty Python questions, gave you my stats, sent you deranged poetry and left a cactus on your ledge. I feel under appreciated. Where is the Stalkers Union Office. I want to complain.
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