Now you probably understand why I have been being the "DICK" that I have to some of these guys who come here.
I'll focus there hate towards me instead of the Race/Religion.
Trust me, I am nobodys fool, highly educated, very very rational.
Sometimes you just gotta know how to stray the pack to keep the peace, even if it means letting them come after you instead.
Usually what works best is if I pick at them personally by revealing the things I know to be true about them . I.E. I.P. addresses, location of there server.
Very effective "ASSHOLE" moderating that keeps the bad posters view out of the way.
In the end, the effort keeps this site a very very intense debate board, which is its purpose in the first place.
The concept of a web site letting an irrelevant poster have there I.P. address exposed is NEW AND FRESH, users agreed that there E-Mail address wouldn't be shared, nothing else. It kind of makes one think before they type.
The posts have just been getting better and better the last couple weeks.
If you keep the pressure on to get a good debate going this site gets better credibility and more sponsors.