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Everything posted by hugo

  1. The real presence of Keynesianism/fabian socialism is the real problem..not the red herrings of facism or communism.
  2. deleted double post
  3. Gotta be careful with what comes from ole Sy. From: Hersh’s History Ted Kennedy, take note. By Barbara Comstock Having shown that. There is no doubt the world does not need a nuclear Iran and that a political change is needed. There are only two countries with the balls to act unilaterally: Isreal and the U.S. The UN is a paper tiger at best. I think we should persuade Isreal to take out Iran's nuclear facilities.
  4. Thanks, MM...I think.
  5. Yep, I was at the icehouse yesterday slugging down some brew when somebody walked in the bar and said he was German. We beat the living crap out of him. Sadly, I am deaf in my right ear and we later discovered he was telling me his name was Herman. Ah..it was fun anyhow.
  6. The real solution would have been to tell the dumbfucks to sink or swim. Somehow Galveston and San Francisco got rebuilt, in a prior century, without much outside assistance.
  7. It is quite entertaining. Something tells me though you are correct about this guy being a rank amatuer.
  8. Facism is simply another branch of socialism founded by ex-Marxist Benito Mussolini who simply tweaked Marxism. The Republican Party has long left the principles of Barry Goldwater (small government, balanced budgets, individual autonomy) in the dust. The only rational choice for non-socialists is the Libertarian Party.
  9. You just have the vocabulary of a mentally retarded gerbil.
  10. Well, since the newly elected Palestinian government supports the killing of Jewish children what the hell do you expect? Should not those who worship Islam also be held to certain standards?. Or is it OK to kill infidels...only Muslim lives matter. What is going on in Darfur? If I was marked by the Isreali government my family would not be in the same car with me. I guess the guy was more interested in screwing 72 virgins.
  11. He'll be called Jackass for short.
  12. Those fuckin' crack ho's, pimps, thieves and dope dealers our press labels Katrina "victims" got too much aid the way it was. I wish the whole lot of them had drowned. Someone should shoot our stinkin' mayor for giving them the grand welcome.
  13. Actually it was Pinnochio, Snow White and seven short little bastards who were behind 9-11.
  14. What do people get out of annoying others in internet forums?
  15. I think they need to remember the battle at San Jacinto. Mighty perqueske of the squeaky little demesterites.
  16. Peeples surez be dumb.
  17. The Ted Turner network is a left wing nutcase one. You kill the scumbags when they are still young. you have to be a real low-life to use your own child as a shield in order to avoid being struck dead for your criminal actions against humanity.
  18. We need to stoke up the fire.
  19. Wrong, the idiot box is for entertainment purposes. A true idiot is too stupid to recognize it.
  20. Notice the word relatively.
  21. What a total moron.
  22. Another dumbass removed from the gene pool. Maybe somebody on this thread will quote from a relatively unbiased source. Ain't seen it yet.
  23. The fact is since the end of the Cold war we have no longer any legitimate interest in the state of Isreal. It is an entangling alliance just like George Washington warned us about.
  24. Living in Houston let me tell you I will take all the Mexican immigrants just send them damn Katrina "victims" back to Louisiana and then build a fucking fence.
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