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Everything posted by hugo

  1. I do miss pissing off that ole bag, Catherine. I'd almost pay to tell her to "Take her meds" one more time.
  2. It's complicated. I believe it began when I told TAT's evangelical atheist that her choice to be an atheist was influenced by the fact she was sodomized by her christian bible verse spouting father when she was a child. She had already confessed to being a victim of incest. She went crying to George who then got mad at the admins at TAT, and myself of course. Probably the "Why George went nuts" post, concerning George III and an arsenic theory, further infuriated him leading to my banishment from Georgedom. Thanks to Outlaw I found this site.
  3. The ole TAT site, along with several other sites (of which USM is the flagship site), is run by a damn liberal named George. I have been banned from his server. Not missing much. Though there are some fellow assholes there that could contribute to this site. The ones at http://www.saywhatyouwant.net in particular should get an invite. The one almost unique advantage of swyw is you can have multiple accounts.
  4. Yep, currently we have rule by 9 oligarchists. However, I think the US District Court got this one right.
  5. Terrorist Hater has some legitimate points. The US District Court covering Iowa found a similar law unconstitutional. Their ruling:
  6. The killing of Jean Charles de Menezes E-mail this Print this Ali Abunimah, Electronic Iraq, 24 July 2005 From all accounts I have read, including this one which is highly sympathetic to the victim, Jean did run from the police. It does semm like the house should have been searched before.
  7. He thought the police were playing tag. Good thing he ain't no longer in the gene pool.
  8. My 9th grade homeroom teacher. Told me on a Friday he was going to mail out a poor conduct notice to my parents. Dropped dead while mowing his yard the next day.
  9. It should be the property owner who sets the smoking policy, not government. Just because something is open to the public does not mean the owner should have his property rights infringed upon. Let the free market work.
  10. The fact is that some information has to remain classified for national security concerns.
  11. Great drivers don't get themselves killed.
  12. Pat Buchanan
  13. When I was in college I made beer money by rounding up cats and selling them to a local Chinese restaurant.
  14. Studying, in your senior year, is overrated. Have a good time.
  15. She probably needs to have a nasal massage.
  16. The blue states. Starting with Massachusetts, NY and Cali.
  17. Phreakwars seems like your basic dumbfuck.
  18. From the dictionary: The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation. The founding fathers were not so much social darwinists, which really developed fully in the 19th Century with it's most powerful proponent being Herbert Spencer. The founding fathers were basically libertarian (classical liberals) at least as far as white males were concerned. They also were strong proponents of a limited federal government. Any government welfare programs were limited to the states. Social Security is blatantly unconstitutional under a originalist interpretation.
  19. You've never had a housecat. Animals too kill for fun.
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