If you can find me a rifle scope where the crosshairs of the reticle extend past the body of the rifle scope, I'll accept that what was on Palin's pic was a "gunsight".
However, you can't argue that the image that Target used is a bullseye, obviously to draw some form of violence or force toward whatever it is on, whether it's hit by a beanbag, bullet, arrow or urine, force has been applied to the object.
What was the tweet the great bimbo deleted? Do you think anyone who is referred to as "the great bimbo" could win a general election?
http://Off Topic Forum.com/topic/35789-palin-gets-people-killed/page__view__findpost__p__117540
The great bimbo just lost the Jewish vote. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110112/ts_afp/uscrimeshootingpoliticspalin_20110112164612
Why would a conservative support the most socialist governor since Huey Long?