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Everything posted by hugo

  1. Have a great one, wez. Keep your intelligent and witty posts coming our way.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita We are kicking Chinas' ass. They get jobs because they are poorer than crap. They give us goods for pieces of paper.
  3. Lookinfg for someone who is a devoted capitalist myself.
  4. One thing for sure no one will ever call Hillary masturbatory material.
  5. That's two.
  6. The left believes Palin is much more influential than she really is.
  7. Sometimes you do something because you feel it is the responsible thing to do even if it is not enjoyable.
  8. Doesn't matter. Taxes don't just pay for Welfare. And if you watch the video, she doesn't seem like she wants to give that money to charities, that selfish bitch. Entitlements make up 2/3rds of the federal budget. If not wanting to pay taxes makes you selfish count me as selfish. What liberals believe is people have to be coerced into being charitable.
  9. My city government at work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/0..._n_810006.html Sometimes government ain't satisfied with just crowding out private charity. How the hell did we get to the point where we have to fight for the right to share food?
  10. Too be fair to Oprah she funds a lot of charities. I think Oprah may realize that she could do much more good with that money than the IRS.
  11. If you look at the reasons they revoked it, it seems like they never should've allowed the permit to be approved in the first place. But revoking it after the new regulations is a bad move. The ruling is insane. Now even a permit no longer gives you the ability to go ahead and invest in a project without concern that permit will be revoked. Businesses invest based on a perceived risk-to-reward ratio. This greatly increases the risks to busineses throughout the US of making certain investments in the economy.
  12. Good news for Alaska. The governor seems to be rejecting communism, unlike his predecessor.
  13. Do not count on it. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/ppp-poll-obama-tops-all-2012-gop-contenders-in-iowa.php Palin finishes last as usual. Obama is following the Clinton model and is moving toward the center after a disastrous midterm election. He will be a formidable opponent in 2012. The great bimbo cannot beat him. We need someone whose political speak sounds a bit deeper than a 13 year old cheerleader at a pep rally.
  14. Two can play that game
  15. Reeled in one of 'em.
  16. Or a Stupid crap women talk about post
  17. Maybe I should have tried Oprah as a topic.
  18. We seem to have lost all the women, probably because we just talk politics and sports. Here is a topic for them in case they still browse the forum.
  19. hugo

    Smart Guy

    Albert Einstein Perfect example is drug laws. Imperfect example is immigration restrictions. Gun free zones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0vyxgJLJVA That is funny.
  20. hugo

    Smart Guy

    Albert Einstein Perfect example is drug laws. Imperfect example is immigration restrictions.
  21. Let me sum it up. 1) Only a moron would vote against Palin due to this. 2) Only a moron would vote for Palin. 3) She lost part of her base.
  22. Did she send ya another check?
  23. If you can find me a rifle scope where the crosshairs of the reticle extend past the body of the rifle scope, I'll accept that what was on Palin's pic was a "gunsight". However, you can't argue that the image that Target used is a bullseye, obviously to draw some form of violence or force toward whatever it is on, whether it's hit by a beanbag, bullet, arrow or urine, force has been applied to the object. What was the tweet the great bimbo deleted? Do you think anyone who is referred to as "the great bimbo" could win a general election? http://Off Topic Forum.com/topic/35789-palin-gets-people-killed/page__view__findpost__p__117540 The great bimbo just lost the Jewish vote. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110112/ts_afp/uscrimeshootingpoliticspalin_20110112164612 Why would a conservative support the most socialist governor since Huey Long?
  24. If you can find me a rifle scope where the crosshairs of the reticle extend past the body of the rifle scope, I'll accept that what was on Palin's pic was a "gunsight". However, you can't argue that the image that Target used is a bullseye, obviously to draw some form of violence or force toward whatever it is on, whether it's hit by a beanbag, bullet, arrow or urine, force has been applied to the object. What was the tweet the great bimbo deleted? Do you think anyone who is referred to as "the great bimbo" could win a general election?
  25. Well it is completely obvious that the store is only named Target and uses that symbol is to incite violence. People can throw bean bags at a target. There is a reason intelligent people do not impose gunsights on their political opponents. Obama is sad today. He was hoping for an easy opponent.
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