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Everything posted by hugo

  1. I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-God, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter. Palin extended communism as governor of Alaska.
  2. ...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon... Ahhh exactly! Ain’t that right hugo? Your distain for Sarah is obviously clouding your sense of reason. I'm pretty sure Hugo was saying that, whether she was responsible for it or not, she'll be seen as (at least) partially responsible. It'll ruin any chance she has at becoming POTUS, as it will definitely be brought up in the future, if she tries to run. The fact that IWS can bring up the author of Catcher in the Rye as an example, proves the point. Whether Salinger was responsible or not, it's common knowledge what supposedly "inspired" the assassination. And if it becomes common knowledge that Palin was "responsible" for the death of Gifford, her political career is over. Finally..someone who can read.
  3. I guess as someone who claims to be a libertarian, I thought you would believe a little more in personal responsibility. Until shown otherwise, I pretty much agree with this quote... I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
  4. I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-God, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter. It makes little difference, politically, if he was or not. Sarah got where she is at by appealing to emotions. A Romney aide is already mass producing pictures of Miss Green. Ya live by the sword ya die by the sword. I must admit anyone who reads is not a likely Palin supporter. So, in your mind, no matter what this mentally deranged person's motives, it's Palin's fault? I am not saying it is Palin's fault.. Just that her talk radio style campaign rhetoric has high risks. Her chance to be President died with Miss Green. I think even Palin may be bright enough to see this. I pretty much agree with the guy in Phreak's video.
  5. I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-God, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter. It makes little difference, politically, if he was or not. Sarah got where she is at by appealing to emotions. A Romney aide is already mass producing pictures of Miss Green. Ya live by the sword ya die by the sword. I must admit anyone who reads is not a likely Palin supporter.
  6. I think Sarah is beginning to figure that out.
  7. Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.
  8. Great video. [attach=full]3077[/attach] She was 9 years old.
  9. It was the bimbo's sophomoric rantings that put her in a position to be blamed. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Arizona-Rep-Gabrielle-Giffords-shot-during-public-event/ss/events/pl/010811giffords#photoViewer=/110109/480/urn_publicid_ap_org9675d0bee98b475d807ba6df6c58ccde
  10. Yep, they reloaded, Sarah.
  11. Thanks for the link. Me and Rick are actually engaging in debate free of name calling. .
  12. Basic economics; if you subsidize a good more people will buy it. Yes, if you make a product cheaper for small businesses they will buy more of it. The question is “Who pays?” Given our current huge deficits the answer is our children and grandchildren. You might want to read this: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2010-10-13-hispanics-life-span_N.htm People confuse healthcare and medical care. Our nation ranks much better in medical care than health care. A nation of fat slobs will not rank high in healthcare but may do quite well in medical care. The primary reason for our nations high MEDICAL CARE costs are 1) too much food and not enough exercise and 2) our nation subsidizes demand for medical care while restricting supply of medical practitioners, drug availability and other medical care services and 3) an aging population. Until we address medical care costs we are simply arguing about how to spread the costs. We need to start looking at how to cut costs. I would start with eliminating the Kefauver Amendment which has greatly increased the costs of bringing a drug to market and I would gfollow that up with lessening the licensing requirements for the practice of medicine. It is arguable if Obamacare is deficit friendly in the 1st decade, it definitely is not in the second. I forgot #4 Third party payments which is the crux of the issue here: http://www.forbes.com/2009/06/18/milton-friedman-medical-insurance-opinions-columnists-health-care.html
  13. Have a great one.
  14. hugo

    A Sad Day.

    My Baby Don’t Wear No Panties was a classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_RbMNvMqhI
  15. The unions are basically doing their job. It is the government officials who give in to union demands who are not. That's like saying the people in charge of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae, were just doing their jobs. When your actions are causing the destruction of the industry your union members are working in, you're no longer just doing your job. The point is the unions are doing just what you and I would do if offered more money and benefits than we are worth. It is those negotiating on the other side who, as always happens when you spend other people's money, are not fiscally responsible.
  16. Palin raised taxes in order to give every Alaskan a welfare check.
  17. The unions are basically doing their job. It is the government officials who give in to union demands who are not.
  18. Interesting find.
  19. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/women-and-cars/6e9ab819ed0cfa03d5996e9ab819ed0cfa03d599-319927746823?q=911+locked+in+car&FORM=VIRE5 It is good a government employee was just a phone call away. Herbert Spencer
  20. There was a time when we did not accept pussies as political leaders: http://www.answers.com/topic/edmund-muskie
  21. A normal citizen would have gotten prison time.
  22. Haha. HAHAHAHA. Man, I hope you're just being sarcastic. Like Hugo said, Palin's a moron. Thinking about voting for Snooki.
  23. There are no dogs in hell.
  24. Hope you are having a good one.
  25. Phreak was being sarcastic. Palin is an idiot.
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