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Everything posted by eddo

  1. did he mean "information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation" for himself personally, or for all of society? from what you quoted, it seems that he is referring to himself, and saying that since he doesn't know how to work electronical things, it hinders him.
  2. are we really back to calling each other murderers??? please Wez and Tj, knock it off. this is actually a pretty decent debate, so lets stick to the topic, please? Name calling, attacking, and fgetting sidetracked will get us nowhere, and we all know that... Merc, excellent point. Different people do differ on when life begins. I believe life starts at conception. I have no issue with preventing pregnancy, but I do have issues with ending it after it has happened. In my eyes, God has decided that a life should begin (thus why birth control isn't 100% effective) so to stop that is against His plan. Thus why I think it is so important for us to try to prevent abortions as much as humanely possible.
  3. my stance isn't based on the morality of anyone. You wanna screw around, have at it. You wanna do drugs, fine. My stance is that there is more than one life to take into consideration here, and that life should have just as much of a chance to succeed as it can get. The very existence of the one that cannot speak or protect for itself trumps the "choice" of the one that can, once that one that can has made the choice to have sex. my moral stance is: Abortion as a form of birth control is about the saddest thing that we as a society have let happen. Murdering an innocent life, simply because we don't want to be bothered is sick and disgusting- and completely irresponsible.
  4. I do not think people should have medical procedures forced on them. If I don't want to go tot he doctor and get the weird growth on my leg looked at that is my prerogative. If it ends up costing me my leg or my life, well then, that was my own fault. But, I also do not think that unborn babies should be murdered just because mommy and daddy are too irresponsible to handle the little tike. I think the fact that another life is involved here changes the discussion immensely. Removing abortion from this debate would make it a completely different debate, and I would be all for patients being able to decide what procedures they want done to themselves. I think the unborn baby should have more of a voice to protect it and give it a chance at life, and if an unltrasound helps jr to have a voice, then I am all for it- and like I said, I would rather my tax money go for that rather than planned parenthood (which it currently does.) Ideally, my tax $$ wouldn't pay for any of it, as RaE has said- this is a completely elective and preventable procedure. Don't want an untrasound? Don't have an abortion. Don't get pregnant. Be more responsible for yourself and who you sleep with. Accept that responsibility if it comes your way. Make the necessary changes to your life to give your baby a chance for a life of it's own. I can agree with Merc that one hour before the abortion is not enough to process information gathered. Make it a week or so, and I'd be more comfortable with it. It should be more than a "look at the little life that you are about to snuff out" kind of thing. For the moral argument regarding abortion, I say I agree with TimesJoke: Why is it wrong to murder anyone in this country, except an unborn baby? Why would I go to jail hitting my wife in the belly and murdering my wifes baby, but she won't if she decides to sucks it's brains out with a super powered vacuum cleaner?
  5. what a dumbass... That is sooooooo like an episode of Family Guy! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewie_Loves_Lois
  6. Thanks for lumping us into a "category" and trying to get a rise out of us, WezJoke... Slight difference as the fat person is only harming themselves, not an innocent, albeit, unborn baby.
  7. I know IWS and hugo are against bigger government (as am I,) but one of the duties that I see government being responsible for is the protection of it's citizens. The military, securing our borders, keeping folks from murdering each other, and other things fall into this category. I just happen to want to afford that same protection to those citizens that are not yet born. So to answer emkay's question: Yes, I would be fine with my tax dollars paying for this. In fact, that would make me much happier than my tax dollars now paying for things like Planned Parenthood to advise women to have abortions...
  8. excellent, excellent point. I so totally agree.
  9. yeah, no DVR here. Still livin in the 80's man. My BetaMax is still the way to go.
  10. really newsbot???? REALLY????? Never in your life have you posted NASCAR results, and here I am WATCHING THE FREAKING TAPE OF THE RACE, and you go and give away the ending... screw you!
  11. no, those peeps are idiots, lol Human life is more valuable and precious that the life of food.
  12. damn russians always trying to ruin everybodies fun!
  13. I would normally agree with this, but just cannot when it comes to abortion because abortion is affecting more than the one deciding to have the abortion- it also affects the unborn baby. Someone needs to speak up for the God given right to life of the unborn, and forcing ultrasounds seems like a good start to me. and yes, I think abortions as a form of post-conception birth control should be illegal. either that, or post-term abortions should be completely legal...
  14. they found him and he is gonna be ok. Hope those blasting AZ for it's recent efforts to crack down on illegal immigration are paying attention to this...
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/30/mexican-hypocrisy-neighbor-tough-immigration/
  16. say what?????
  17. "HAHAHA!! JK!" -Obama Obama's promises on Immigration Reform
  18. Where the hell is Barney when you need him???
  19. I got no prob with that.
  20. I'm down with either of those.
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