Hmmm...if you want to give yourself to the music right now...then it'd probably be pretty wise if you postponed going to uni, I should really think about that, though...=)
Now, here are the pics of our little lovely pekinese Sammy...^^
^ when he was still a baby...
^ and he now...
^ now, what about those puppy eyes?!
Before sis brought him home, I was kinda scared of this little monsters cuz they can be so mean...haha...but I fell in love with Sammy...^^'s so not easy for us...especially cuz usually the wrong guys fall for us...or at the wrong moment...>_> W/e...
Jos, don't rush with searching for a have to concentrate on your exams...and then go on a hunt...
Hmmm, can't really imagine an earthquake like that...I mean, personally, I only experienced really mild ones and only for a couple of times during my life...I guess that's luck, though...
And yeah, good you're all okay...
Well, about that...I heard it can be very pleasurable...othervise I don't think so many people would do it, right?
And now I better shut up...xD