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Everything posted by Jeezy

  1. bye bye baby, baby good bye bye.....
  2. great album! definitely better than encore
  3. http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/660/missingeh9.jpg via LPFuse
  4. wow...last time i saw you...you had short hair....what happened?
  5. link is updated now...and i agree also....the shoe doesn't look good at all. the 2nd one looks good though and I like the MR Hahn logo !: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/9175/42861264.png seems like there will be a different shoe in any round
  6. Via LPLive: I went to Suru today on my visit to California, in an attempt to see Mr.Hahn. He was cooped up at the studio, as usual. The clerk says LP uses a different studio each week and most of it is done at MS Home Studio and she told me NRG is an inpenatrable fortress that I couldn't visit unless I had an appointment. Oh, she also said the album is gonna drop in 2010 and they are working really hard on it. The male clerk also filled me in that the new album is going to sound like the old stuff. I wouldn't bring this news to your attention if these clerks did not know LP personally. Because it's coming straight from people who see LP and Hahn every week, this is definitly credible.
  7. 1http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/1142/26756465.png 2 http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/9175/42861264.png Mr. Hahn designed various shoes for the NikeiD Design Tournament. His design is going head to head each week with other designs from the West Coast. The best shoe from the West Coast will compete against the best shoe from the East Coast in the final round. Help keep his shoe in the tournament by voting for it HERE (it’s the 6th shoe down on the left side). He already won the 1st round !
  8. http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/b51ce7a6f12530a77646617476ef4cd1.jpg Righ Click, Save As Right Here to get the file ! mix includes those tracks: Tracy Chapman - Fast Car U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Nice N Smooth - Sometimes I Rhyme Slow The Jacksons - I Want You Back Jay-Z - Can't Knock The Hustle Coldplay - Viva La Vida CCR - Born On The Bayou NWA - Straight Outta Compton Janet - What Have You Done For Me Lately Public Enemy - Rebel Without A Pause The Temptations - Its Growing Biggie - 10 Crack Commandments
  9. I'm back..get used to it ! woop woop...got a job....cutting trees in the woods...one more week to go...
  10. not true...
  11. lesbian huh? nice !
  12. I want that album now !
  13. part 1 was the best in my opinion...part 2 was alright but kinda boring already (just watched because Kate looks hot in that outfit) and part 3....I don't even wanna talk about that.
  14. since LBS and the Dutch guys left...this place is dead it will never be the same again...
  15. lol...its just a little bit of porn.... removed it
  16. you look like a rockstar !
  17. nice new pics the Doors shirt is very cool ! did you hear about Jack White's new band?
  18. You can listen to it if you click the image ! Their album is in stores now...as you already know...
  19. http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/274b58528d238faed572ca2377c40cff.jpg talks about DBS and a song called "Into You" that he wrote for the DBS album. via LLady
  20. Buuuuuuurnnn !
  21. slumdog sucks....eventhough it got all these Oscars...doesn't mean shit. I think this years best movie is probably Gran Torino or if they pull it off good Transformers or Wolverine.
  22. "worst" instead of "worse" ???
  23. Chester works on both albums right now
  24. Mike: I was just hanging out with Chester, and got a chance to hear some of his new solo material! In case you haven't heard, he's doing a solo record (he's doing double-duty, working on his album and the LP album simultaneously). The project is called Dead By Sunrise, and the album is being produced by Howard Benson. He played me 9 songs, two of which had (amazing) vocals. I thought I could hear influences from T-Rex to Tears For Fears, but overall it's a pretty punch-you-in-the-gut rock record. Very cool...look for it later this year, probably September-ish. It's going to be incredible! look at the disc...se3ems like we have 2 track title now ! "Crawl Back In" and "Give Me Your Name" http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/10c8214c28ed7fcf8a48ca6f0758a8a3.jpg
  25. hey ! how are you?
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