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Everything posted by Jeezy

  1. It's actually labeled ast "Pop Art"
  2. yeah but that's because there wasn't this whole hype like last time when he had this battle with 50.
  3. could be...maybe he'll mix it up
  4. sure...maybe she'll even check in and read your comments...
  5. Hey guys! First, I feel sorry that I didn’t say a word when I suddenly left LPF, nor even a “goodbye”, but I was really down at that moment and I only thought bout staying away from this place. Well, it’s been almost 3 months now since last time I got on here. LPF brings me good memories, but it also still reminds me of the worst moment of my life... Now quoting GraDon: don’t take the internet serious! Indeed! Don’t “mix” virtual with real life, it never works. Be aware and don’t be a dumbass like me! *bit dramatic lol* But don’t worry, I’m trying to forget bout the past, I’m moving on and I’m doing pretty good atm Anyways, now I just want to thank you guys for all the fun and amusing moments during those 1,5 years I’ve passed here. I must say I’ve found amazing ppl here as well as good friends. You guys are awesome I’m gonna miss you all :’( Maybe someday I'll come back [littleblackstone] PS: Devon, you look HOT in that suit :spiteful: And Jellyfish freaking ROOOOCKS!!
  6. that has to be the best looking school class ever
  7. new one !!!! http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/9169/unbenannt1ir2.png
  8. damn...those eyes are sexy
  9. oohhh...Sygy on TV... cool !
  10. ohh...new pic http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/8868/13286247jw8.png there's another one in my journal
  11. I hope you'll be better soon ! nice phone !
  12. you're welcome
  13. I'm happy with mine..i can take pics, videos...listen to music... http://bargainoffers.com/Cell/Samsung/samsung_sgh-l760.jpg
  14. I feel good...kinda tired
  15. that's my favorite.... really sexy...you are so pretty
  16. there's no backstage material?
  17. ^^you are such a tough guy
  18. I'm getting this DVD right now !
  19. awww this is such a group hug situation !!!
  20. positive ! If I would now say that you look awesome then it could sound like you didn't look good before...but you did...but now you kinda look even better... if you know what i mean... lol
  21. ^^^wth?? I almost didn't recognise you....
  22. feeling great !!
  23. Happy Birthday !!!!
  24. feeling good....hungry though
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