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  1. builder

    Vocabulary improvements

    You've probably seen this game before, but seeing as how I'm hanging here more than my usual place, I thought I'd instigate a new game here. The object of the game is to make a sentence out of a word. Take the word pimple for example PIMPLE Pious Individuals Merely **** Lengthy...
  2. builder

    Hugh G. Rekshun .vs Builder

    Yeah, I got them dawgs bluffed. I just marked my territory. :D But seriously, this is fun. How could anyone be frightened by words on a net site? How could anyone be bluffed by a teenage cheer squad in tight pants waving pom-poms and chanting "go hugh, you're the man, if you can't wipe our...
  3. builder

    Kryptonite Man

    He's your typical bull at a gate. Watch your step, Greengrocer. It looks a bit slippery there.
  4. builder

    What is the true definition of Globalisation?

    Question: What is the truest definition of globalisation ? Answer: Princess Diana's death. Question: How come? Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whiskey...
  5. builder


    Komrad is still not with the program.
  6. builder


    You guys are looking the goods too. I'm impressed. :p
  7. builder


    Your pic is from a yank site, Vossie. This is more like it.
  8. builder


    If that guy's stool could talk, what would it be saying? (Or groaning?) :p
  9. builder


    Oh, and I thought you blokes had the handle on the best rednecks in the "developed" world?
  10. builder


    Yeah phreak. It's rough alrighty. Also the dryest continent on Earth. I'm doing my bit to fix that. :D
  11. builder

    Happy birthday to AIG.

    Happy birthday to you AIG. May your day be full of pressies and popularity. You deserve em. ;) Kisses and hugs from your Aussie man. Loves ya. :D ;)
  12. builder

    Is ********** still common?

    Can you believe this demented Kiwi actually ***** rabbits and guinea pigs?
  13. builder

    We have a new Messiah for the Idiot Box

    Who would that be?
  14. builder

    Fullauto, Or Full Of **** ??

    You noticed? I was beginning to wonder if I was on my pat malone there. LOL I think he should learn how to drive a manual. His clutch seems to be slipping. Or, in the case of autos, his torque converter is ******, and his bands are slipping. :p
  15. builder

    Was General Douglas MacArthur a hero or heretic?

    Douggie MacAuthur returned form Korea a hero. The troops he commanded returned to derision and ridicule. Douggie was sacked during the Korean conflict for inciting the Chinese by threatening nuclear bombing. He also commandeered the most costly of invasions in human losses in the history of...
  16. builder

    Do American people get the real news of the World?

    Not being American, I can clearly see that most Americans read their own news, and not the news of the rest of the World. Do you believe that your Government keeps you informed of what is really happening outside of your borders? Or do you think that your news is sanitised and controlled by...
  17. builder

    For Anyone That Thinks War In Iraq Isn't Necessary

    That's a fair call. Instinct, or panic? Some handle the situation, and some don't. I've trained people in basic first aid, and seen them **** themselves at the sight of blood. I have an idea what you are trying to convey. I have this tendency to ask questions before shooting. Not all are...
  18. builder

    What State(s) Are ****** Up?

    Kinda like my home city of Redcliffe. There's one in every state, and three in West OZ. My home town was known as the "Inala on the coast" meaning it had more arseholes than the latrines at the footy grand final, and that was just in the police HQ. :p Now it's millionaire's paradise, like...
  19. builder

    Happy ******' birthday, Phreak

    Didn't know where to put this. Hope you get a skin-full of whatever is your fave drop, phreakwars. **** you three times and sideways. Have a ****** up day. :)
  20. builder

    World Domination. Is it still a comical plot?

    Cartoonists and movie makers (think James Bond 007) have long used the concept of World domination as a plotline. Usually the villian is a mad scientist, or wealthy zealot. The reality is, the US gov has assumed World domination, due directly to the biggest arsenal of destructive weapons, and...
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