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  1. LPpinkfreak821

    Random Pictures

    um right. ;) ;)
  2. LPpinkfreak821

    The Love Topic II.

    be my vampire, darlin. You are amazing.
  3. LPpinkfreak821

    Rate the above signature v3.0

    10/10 wow. Its really pretty. I like it a lot. And I love that song
  4. LPpinkfreak821

    1001 Reason's To Join LPF

    743. becuase I'm drinking rootbeer
  5. LPpinkfreak821

    [First word that comes to mind]

  6. LPpinkfreak821

    Projekt Revolution 2007 Dates

    oh yea. sure, I'll pay for you o.0 I'm probably paying for Ivy too soo... I'm gonna check out the ticket sales... are they selling them at like FYE and places like that or or whatever it is?
  7. LPpinkfreak821

    Hey im Matt

    (lol) I gave him that name... hahahaha I didn't think anyone else knew about that. tehe
  8. LPpinkfreak821

    Projekt Revolution 2007 Dates

    on the 10 or 11th of when they come to WPB, I'm dragging Ivy with me and my friend Jimy, is coming from SD to see it with me cuz he's an LP freak probably more then I am! I can't wait. I still have to find out much it is. But no matter what, I'm getting there. I get paid pretty well at my job...
  9. LPpinkfreak821

    Hey im Matt

    I know & I call you Matty all the time too o.0 *sigh* crapola. anyways!! Hello, Matt! I'm Krista, Lucky, LPpinkfreak, whatever you want to call me. Just not Krilly becuase that'll completely confuse me (lol) the other Matty [Stenners] calls me that. anyways. welcome to the forums! hope...
  10. LPpinkfreak821

    What does everybody want to be called? =)

    it's very nice to meet you too, Winter
  11. LPpinkfreak821

    'Hacking Chester' - Full, in-depth story from "Wired"

    (lol) yea, I thought I was bad with the whole obsession, but thats just... TOOOOO FAR. Poor Chester & Talinda & their family.
  12. LPpinkfreak821

    'Hacking Chester' - Full, in-depth story from "Wired"

    that's crazy. insane. she should be slapped in the forehead for doing that. I hate stalkers (lol) I've had someone try to change my password on my online account for my phone before. I got a text saying "Select Go To To Confirm Password Change" or something like that. It's happened like 3...
  13. LPpinkfreak821

    [Bad Habits]

    .... (lol) here we go. [whats sad is I know about 80% of them and I do nothing about it] lazyness biting my lips licking my lips biting the inside of my cheek nibblings on my tongue day dreaming chewing on random things [straws, tooth pics, coffee stir thingys] wiggling my nose biting my nails...
  14. LPpinkfreak821

    Old School Roll Call

    I miss them. Even tho me & SniperVirus never got along tooooo well. (lol) He was still an interesting person to argue with here & there. Vero... It sounds really familiar. A girl right? I think I remember her... yea. ... 4everLP_Shinoda. Is that her? right? I recognize all the names except...
  15. LPpinkfreak821

    What does everybody want to be called? =)

    Lucky LPpinkfreak PinkFreak are all acceptable. Lucky is easiest. Some call me by my name, Krista. any are cool with me And if you see Krilly, that's me too. But only Matty calls me that o.0
  16. LPpinkfreak821

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    Foxy & Black_Angel, you girls look BEAUTIFUL! LP186 that looks painful but it's really cool. I like it.
  17. LPpinkfreak821

    The I bought MTM thread^^

    I skipped school today just so I could go buy it. (lol) I was the first to buy it at FYE this morning. I was inside the doors before the mall opened [my brother works there]. uh yea. (lol) I think as "poppy" as it sounds, its still really good. .I.Love.It. every bit of it.
  18. LPpinkfreak821

    Party like a rock star

    I thought this video was cool. It has clips of LP, Limp Bizkit, I believe Papa Roach, & Kid Rock in it, but none of them are performing in it...
  19. LPpinkfreak821

    Projekt Revolution 2007 Dates

    I can't wait for them to come down here! (lol) I'm so happy. They'll be in West Palm Beach and I've been there before for the Buzz Bake Sale 103.1 I'm dancing in my skin (lol)
  20. LPpinkfreak821

    Foxx's Poetry Corner

    I.Love.It.Like.Crazy. It's pretty and like I can relate to it in a way. mhm.