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  1. Chi


    Thanks, I actually like these:D
  2. Chi


    Thanks, Wezzie!
  3. Chi


    Woohoo!! A gay guy AND a cake!! Thanks!
  4. Chi


    lol, thanks!:)
  5. Chi


    You're crazy, many a time I am the minority on things (ex. immigration, Obama, etc.) but will still speak my mind on the subject. I just don't like to beat a dead horse and just keep repeating myself over and over again, especially on such subjects where I know will go nowhere and people will...
  6. Chi


    Hate? I don't dislike you THAT much, but whatever. Bully? If that's the way you look at me, whatever, too. I always thought bullies picked on people weaker than them in some way. Do you see yourself as weaker than me?
  7. Chi

    Attention whores. Who is the worst?

    Whatever TJ!! I've disagreed with Builder and everyone else here in the past. Argued, disagreed, whatever, be it my friends, kids, husband, co-workers, bosses, whoever! It doesn't matter. Now this business with you and Builder that's on you two. Whether it was you who threatened to do that to...
  8. Chi


    Sure you didn't, of course that give you an excuse to dodge the points I made and that is why you claim to not read it. You made a decision to jump in the fight, so stop crying yourself Chi, you don't have to pile on but when you do decide to have a gangbang, at least show the integrity not to...
  9. Chi


    Thank goodness for Tuesdays and Fridays!!!
  10. Chi


    Right. Emkay and I don't have a mind of our own and we follow everything Builder says and does... We also never disagree with him :rolleyes: Oh how ever did we function when he wasn't around and when we're offline... Also when we got on your ass when he wasn't around, he must've been...
  11. Chi


    I of course didn't read all your drivle, but from the first sentence or so, you sound more immature than my 11 yr old son. What a whiner. And I don't get on your case to join bandwagons, I do it cuz you annoy me, so do your stupid, ignorant comments.
  12. Chi

    50 days underground!!!

    I've been thinking about those poor men, too. And hope they continue being well and in good spirits. I really hope they all withstand and survive until they are rescued. And to think so many in much better situations bitch and complain a lot more and appreciate so much less....
  13. Chi


    Really. It makes my hair stand on end in disgust anytime he dares even suggest that.
  14. Chi


    "Stop starting crap and there won't be crap." - Stop acting like anyone is remotely afraid of you and what you bring to the table in any way. P-leeease... And I'm not a bully, I'm the nicest person anyone can meet until I get fed up with certain people's crap. THEN that's when I will put people...
  15. Chi


    Who's crying? I'm not a whiny girl like you who is always complaining woe is me, why is everyone always gaining up on me and joing the "bandwagon" and "gangbang" - boohoo. Gee, I wonder why... Can it just be that the problem lies with YOU. But oh no, you have all the answers, are always right...
  16. Chi

    Tea Party was proud to have elected HER????

    Oh yes! You hit the nail right on the head and have it all figured out.... :rolleyes: Tool.
  17. Chi


    You're annoying and way off as hell on almost every subject, that's what urges me to say something to you. Otherwise you are a waste of time to try and discuss anything with, it's not about complaining. You are also full of sh t and no one believes a word you say.
  18. Chi


    Zzzzzzz.......... Are you done, crazy person? Don't you have some houses to build and financing to obtain for the needy? LOL.......
  19. Chi

    Tea Party was proud to have elected HER????

    When did I ever bring up abortion with her, moron? I pointed out her other ridiculous views and stances.
  20. Chi

    Why not, it's boring around here. Might as well try to get the newbs to talk.

    Why not, it's boring around here. Might as well try to get the newbs to talk.