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  1. Chi

    AP - Spanish region says adios to bullfighting

    Someone finally grew a brain, heart and compassion. I really hope others take suit.
  2. Chi

    Politics - Northwest Airlines didn't follow safety orders

    That's just great! That safety and well being of so many rates below people's greed and backscratching of eachother.... Pisses me off!!
  3. Chi

    AP - Texas mom told 911 operator she killed 2 children

    That's so sad speechless .... Apparently the children weren't the only ones who weren't "normal".... So sad...
  4. Chi

    Someone's Got Some Splainin' to do

    I've read that light hair and eyes in humans are a result of a genetic mutation. Supposedly all humans once all had dark hair and eyes. Very likely this is what happened in this case. or baby mix-up in the hospital - ? I don't think the wife cheated, the baby would look at least mixed.
  5. Chi

    AP - Abducted Calif. girl, 7, placed with foster family

    This breaks my heart. Poor little girl. I hope they didn't abuse or mistreat her. What I don't understand is why her grandmother and aunts kidnapped her if they were just going to dump her unto some other people and not even take care of her themselves.
  6. Chi

    AP - Cops: NJ woman made up carjacking, car-sex crash

    Brainless.... At least make up lies that make sense and help you, not make you look like a dumb whore.
  7. Chi

    AP - Pa. dog trapped in hot car honks to alert owner

    Terribly irresponsible. Only thing worse are the idiots who do this with their babies. Forget them in the hot car. Smart dog, though. Yes, he is. I hope he didn't learn that because she's left him in there like that before...
  8. Chi

    AP - 4-time Texas lotto winner rich with money, mystery

    Go for it, Eddo! Think of all the carne asada, burritos, fruit pizzas & trips to QT that could buy!!
  9. Chi

    AP - Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston say they're engaged

    These two plus Palin (sarah) only have one thing in common, their only goal in life is to make money and lots of it. No matter what they have to do to get it.
  10. Chi

    Politics - Colo. governor candidate apologizes for plagiarism

    Ick, then having the nerve to write a seperate letter claiming the writings are original. Then not fully claiming responsibility but pawning it on a subordinate - classy....
  11. Chi

    AP - Pa. dog trapped in hot car honks to alert owner

    What a dumb idiot! Poor doggie.
  12. Chi

    The negative rep game

    My bad, TJ. She said she was directing that comment to a certain douche bag (if I remember the term she used correctly.) I and everyone else thought the description best fit you, so-lol...
  13. Chi

    AP - NM man set on fire after losing drinking bet

    It's hard to imagine that this group of men's combined IQ can reach the double digits.
  14. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    Really, I see something that looks like a pecker. A bit on the small side, but still. And who thinks angels have no sex or organs?
  15. Chi

    The negative rep game

    Blah, blah, blah... Keep telling yourself that. Remain in denial, unchanging, so you can obtain the same results.
  16. Chi

    The negative rep game

    Any way you slice it, you are the biggest loser on the site. Period. You keep bringing Anna's comment, like it is a small victory for you or something. FYI she then clarified that she was referring to YOU when she made that comment. Don't you feel like an ass?
  17. Chi

    What's your Zodiac?

    Is this true IWS? Who else is a Capricorn here?lol
  18. Chi

    AP - Drama builds at LeBron James' free-agency choice

    You SUCK Lebron!!! You, too, Dwayne Wade!!