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  1. FREAK_X

    Phi´s cutests pics

    ;) hell ya. Phi Phi island.
  2. FREAK_X

    Linkin Park help Tsunami!??

    err.. its been posted many times already...
  3. FREAK_X

    i am so proud of the boyz right now...

    ya.. when i first read the article i was soo proud/touched!! and when I told my mother.. [who has always hated LP saying they cant sing.. blah] she was like.. oh really..? that's nice.. =D
  4. FREAK_X

    What was your very first impression of LP?

    ya.. me too. kinda like.. fresh outta the box LP fan thing...
  5. FREAK_X

    What makes you mad the most?

  6. FREAK_X


    a shoutbox is basically a mini chat thing.. like.. you enter a nick name and type whatever you wanna say.. basically just that.. or maybe you guys could just go to my blog.. on the right hand side..
  7. FREAK_X

    Your greatest fear

    i fear heights.. =(( that kinda sucks rite.? now i wont be able to jump off the empire state building.. =(((
  8. FREAK_X

    Cutting...A serious issue.

    hmm.. ive never cut myself before.. but ive had friends who do it.. but the thing is that.. some girls from my school think its cool to cut. yes. those ah-lians [or female gangsters WANNABES].. they think its cool to cut.. which i feel is TOTALLY absurb rite..?
  9. FREAK_X

    Tsunami Disaster

    ya i know.. its like.. flashing on the teevee 24/7.. dead bodies and stuff..
  10. FREAK_X


    ello wello..
  11. FREAK_X

    LP establishes charity to help tsunami victims.

    haha.. its really sad.. this whole thing.. *update* current death toll 100,000. ya.. i was like so touched to hear them doin that.. i mean.. which other band will do that..? but it sucks ya.. in my singapore newspaper. they only mentioned asian stars helping.. damn.. might wanna send in the...
  12. FREAK_X

    chester's hair

    i like it blonde+spiked up..!!!
  13. FREAK_X

    LP establishes charity to help tsunami victims.

    Awed, humbled and shocked by the destruction caused by the tsunamis that hammered southern Asia earlier this week, Linkin Park have teamed up with the American Red Cross to establish Music for Relief, a charity dedicated to providing aid to victims of the tragedy. Linkin Park have donated...
  14. FREAK_X

    Handmade X'mas card by Mike Shinoda on e-bay.

    ya i know.. maybe at my doorstep or sumthing..? like.. LP. woah. i'll faint. erm.. it was for charity.. some cancer thingy.
  15. FREAK_X

    Handmade X'mas card by Mike Shinoda on e-bay.

    hahah. ya.. i wish too.. that'll be cool. or maybe he could package himself in a box.. like a present.!! that'll be the BESTEST prezzie EVER. lol!
  16. FREAK_X

    Handmade X'mas card by Mike Shinoda on e-bay.

    okie dokies. found this info from lpassociation. anyhow. this is the card which was handmade by Mike Shinoda. [handmade!!] and signed. but sadly. this auction off. so well. ;) ::The front:: so cute right..??? ;) what's inside.. ;) finally. his signature. p.s it was auctioned...
  17. FREAK_X

    Mike piX (damn cute)

  18. FREAK_X

    Breaking the habit parody

    hahahaha.. HP is okayy i guess. but this.? seriously does not work for me.
  19. FREAK_X

    here are a bunch of pics from the lp book fti

    nice pics!! I want that book! damn.
  20. FREAK_X


    I will so totally die!! ahaha..! woah. nice sig!!